The recipients you add in the Bcc field are invisible to all other recipients (under To or Cc). Bcc is useful if you prefer to keep recipient email addresses private. It also means that the bcc'ed recipients will not receive any reply emails from the other recipients, even if they select...
When to use CC (and when not to) CC is most often used to keep people informed or facilitate group conversations over email. Here are a few tips for using CC in email to streamline your digital communications: 1. Use CC to keep all parties informed You could send a bunch of separat...
communication. But from a technical point of view, it is almost identical to the “To” field. The difference lies in the email “conventions”. The “To” field is for recipients the email is originally addressed to and the CC field is for people you want to be informed or want in ...
“Blind carbon copy”, orBccfor short in email communication has a similar use as Cc, but a much more specific one. You also inform recipient the about the situation that is being discussed, but email Bcc addresses that are added into Bcc field will not be visible to any other recipients...
1. TO(收件人):这是邮件的主要接收者,预期他们会回复或者采取行动。2. CC(抄送):这些人也会收到邮件副本,但是发送者不期望他们直接回复。3. BCC(密抄):类似于CC,但是收件人不知道其他收到这封邮件的人是谁,保持匿名。4. SUBJECT(主题):简短地描述邮件内容,通常是名词短语,让收件人...
Maintaining discretion. Whether for privacy reasons or professional strategy, BCC helps you communicate without unnecessary visibility. What are the problems with using CC in Email? While the CC function is helpful, it can lead to clutter and inefficiencies: ...
email里面TO、CC、BCC、SUBJECT、BODY是什么意思?急 简介 1、TO 致,给。后接邮件的发送对象,表示期望得到该收件人的响应。2、CC (Carbon Copy)副本抄送。表示没有期待对邮件做出回复。3、BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)密件抄送。在群发邮件时,收信人彼此不认识,为了保护收信人的隐私,可以在地址栏To中...
Now you know the answers to the question, "what is BCC in an email". Before you start using this feature, you will need to implement and do extensive testing. This testing will help you to confirm whether the BCC feature is working or not. For example, you should add some test recipie...
email之TO、CC、BCC意义 CC 英文全称是 Carbon Copy(抄送); BCC英文全称是 Blind CarbonCopy(暗抄送)。 两者的区别在于在BCC栏中的收件人可以看到所有的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC),而在TO 和CC栏中的收件人看不到BBC的收件人名。 电子邮件可以有三种类型的收件人,分别to、cc(carbon copy)和bcc(blind carbon copy),...
Expressing urgency:Include supervisors or senior management in an email to motivate recipients to respond. You can consider using this method if you've previously made a few enquiries that have gone unanswered. Introducing contacts:You can use CC in email introductions to pass someone's contact inf...