Full size image For example, let M be a (hollow) torus with horizontal axis of symmetry and let f be the vertical elevation. This is a 2-manifold without boundary and its Euler characteristic is 0. Figure 3 presents four stages of the evolution of the lower level set (shown in shaded ...
Full size image The established short-range order can be quantified by the so-called Warren-Cowley parameters47,48. These are defined as αij=1−pijcj, (2) where pij is the probability of finding an atom of type j in the first-neighbor shell of an atom of type i and cj is the...
Thus, we expect the band structure of transition metals to be represented accurately by a hybrid NFE-TB secular equation of the form (Hodges et al. [1966] and Mueller [1967]): Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 24. A schematic representation of transition metal sp (dashed curve) ...
Thus, the understanding of the electronic structure of bcc Fe-Ni alloy can help us to reveal the underlying physics of these materials which form the core of earth as well as extraterrestrial materials. Moreover, Fe–Ni alloys have extensive application in technology such as in magnetic ...
Full size image With Eq. (1), the formation energy of a loop located on the {100} and {110} planes is calculated and shown in Table 1: (1) with increasing number of SIAs in the loop, the loop formation energy decreases accordingly, (2) the <100> loop located on the {100} habit...
Full size imageIn doped crystals the impurities will, if small enough, position themselves in the lowest-energy interstitial sites of the surrounding crystal matrix. In the case of a perfect bcc crystal we can identify two types of interstitial sites; tetrahedral (Fig. 1A) and octahedral sites ...
“Hi! I’m really interested in nuclear physics and radiation,” he wrote. “As a hobby, I have … gathered the basic materials (and) planned a project to build a very primitive nuclear reactor. You can see my plans here,” he added, complete with a link to his blog. “I’m now...
One of the main advantages of the BCC grid is, that there are only face neighbor voxels, i.e., if two Voronoi bodies of the grid share at least one point on their boundary, then they share a full face (either a hexagon or a square). In this way, in the BCC grid, the ...
Please scroll down for the English version -Your international summer experience in China: University of Nottingham Ningbo China Summer School 2025.夏校,即Summer School,是一种以学为主的暑期游学方式。许多国外名校会在每年的6-8月,为...
Using the full-field elastic interaction energy given by Mura's formula1, we investigated the various binary loop coalescence processes that were seen in our experiments and similar observations from other TEM studies in iron24 and tung- sten9. The DD simulations did not account for the presence...