Many new professionals spend so much time and energy focused on obtaining certification (e.g., passing the test, occurring fieldwork hours, etc.), and so little planning and preparing for the reality of what comes after. This can cause feelings of uncertainty and an overwhelming sense of 'im...
So you’ve recently obtained your BCBA® certification OR you’re in a spot where you’re like: WHAT ELSE CAN I DO WITH ABA? Maybe you’re even BURNT OUT in your current role?! Well, did you know that our field has produced over ~350 different domains of research on human behavior...
01 CourseIntroduction Improvestudents'Englishlisteningandspeakingskills Developstudents'culturalawarenessandcrossculturalcommunicationskills Enhancestudents'Englishreadingandwritingabilities Preparestudentsforinternationalcommunicationandcooperationinthefutureworkandlife 02 01 04 03 Eachcourseisdividedintoseveralunits,witheach...