"errorMessage":"bcadd(): Argument#1($num1) is not well-formed","time":"Sun, 25 Dec 2022 22:32:03 +0100","file":"/var/www/html/app/Support/Steam.php","line":113,"code":0,"version":"5.7.16","url":"https://firefly.xxx.wtf/piggy-banks","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT...
Error! Internal Firefly III Exception: bcadd(): Argument #2 ($num2) is not well-formed Interestingly, if I conduct a similar transaction but leave only $1.00 in the account, the transaction executes correctly without error. PS: Additionally, if I adjust the account's initial balance to subt...
/ . class Car { /** * @param mixed $argument * * @return mixed */ protected function drive($argument) { return $argument; } /** * @return bool */ private static function stop() { return true; } } class DriveTest { /** * @test */ https://riptutorial.com/zh-TW/home 122 ...
[2024-07-23 10:04:57] local.ERROR: [a] Could not add "0" to "-1.1368683772162E-13": bcadd(): Argument #2 ($num2) is not well-formed [2024-07-23 10:04:57] local.ERROR: Exception creating negative transaction: [a] Could not add "0" to "-1.1368683772162E-13": bcadd(): Arg...