The BCA (bicinchoninic acid) assay and BSA (bovine serum albumin) standard curve are commonly used in biochemistry and molecular biology research to quantify protein concentrations in a sample. The BCA assay is a colorimetric method that relies on thereduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by protein in an...
该方法原理是蛋白质在碱性条件中将铜离子(Cu2+)还原为亚铜离子(Cu+),生成的Cu+与BCA形成紫色络合物,并在562 nm处具有很强的吸收峰,吸光值与样品中蛋白质的含量成正比,根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度。 图片及说明 Fig. Abbkine Protein Quantification Kit (BCA Assay) standard curve....
Fig. Abbkine Protein Quantification Kit (BCA Assay) standard curve. Tips for Abbkine antibodies 1.The species of antibody reactivity should be the sample species that can be matched normally after Abbkine R&D experts have passed strict scientific verification. If your sample is not within the range...
The standard curve for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay was generated using Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Protein Standards (included with the kit) packaged in a multichannel pipette-friendly tube strip. Four of the ten samples were expected to have a starting concen...
BCA试剂可灵敏特异的与Cu+结合,形成稳定的有颜色的络合物,562nm处有最高的吸收值,可在540-595nm测定其吸收值,颜色的深浅与蛋白质浓度成正比,与标准曲线对比,即可计算待测蛋白的浓度。 别名二辛可宁酸 图片及说明 Fig. Abbkine Protein Quantification Kit (BCA Assay) standard curve...
Standard curves for the BCA and Bradford assays were generated through serial dilution of 2 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) standard. The standard curve for the Pierce Dilution-Free Rapid Gold BCA Assay was generated using Pierce Dilution-Free BSA Prot...
The color response obtained for a seven point standard curve with the standard BCA Protein Assay using BSA or BGG standards shows less than a 20% variation between these two proteins. BCA蛋白分析的主要优点是,它与大多数表面活性剂相容...
该方法原理是蛋白质在碱性条件中将铜离子(Cu2+)还原为亚铜离子(Cu+),生成的Cu+与BCA形成紫色络合物,并在562 nm处具有很强的吸收峰,吸光值与样品中蛋白质的含量成正比,根据吸光值可以推算出蛋白浓度。 别名 二辛可宁酸 图片及说明 Fig. Abbkine Protein Quantification Kit (BCA Assay) standard curve....
However, BCA protein assay kit can be easily affected by chelating agents and high concentrations of reducing agents, so please try to make the concentration of EDTA≤10 mM, DTT≤1 mM, and 2-ME≤0.01%. The BCA Protein Assay Kit has a good linear relationship in the concentration range of...
Most protein assay methods use BSA or immunoglobulin (IgG) as the standard against which the concentration of protein in the sample is determined (Figure 1). However, if great accuracy is required, prepare the standard curve from a pure sample of the target protein. Typical protein-to-protein...