Rose Keith to present at TLABC Life after CAPS: "Minor" Injuries ConferenceHarper Grey lawyer, Rose Keith, will present "Overview, Rules and Procedure" at the Trial Lawyers Association of BC (TLABC) Life after CAPS: "Minor" Injuries Conference. The Conference will take place at the Fairmont...
In British Columbia, the new (in 2014)Wills, Estates and Succession Act("WESA"), the Supreme Court Civil Rules, several other Acts and the common law govern what happens when a person passes away. [see online copy of document/id/ complete/ statreg/09013_01] I...
又称:水法规(regulations and rules of water) 调整水事活动中社会关系的各项法律、行政法规、规章和地方性法规的总称。 laws词源英文解释 Noun and Verb Middle English, from Old English lagu, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse lǫg law; akin to Old English licgan to lie — more at lie...
2.3.1民事诉讼法的主要渊源包括最高法院司法制度法(the Supreme Court of Judicature Act)、初等法院司法制度法(the Subordinate Courts Act)以及涉及民事诉讼程序制度的其他法律法规、法庭规则(the Rules of Court)、诉讼指引(practice directions)、判例法和法庭的固有权力。 第四节启动民事诉讼的模式 2.4.1下列模式...