从1月19日开始到2月13日,省府将根据邮政编码分阶段向省民寄送《申报通知》(declaration letter)。 业主们需要用《申报通知》上的流水号(Letter ID)和申报码(Declaration Code)以及自己的SIN卡号码完成申报。 申报入口的网址为: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/speculation-vacancy-tax,点击“Declare ...
点击网页: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/property-taxes/speculation-and-vacancy-tax/declaration右上方红色“立即申报”或Declare Now即可进行豁免申报。 如您需要其他人代为办理,则需要签署授权文件,并在BC省府网站填写FIN146表格。 省府申报空置税中提供中文服务,可以点击中文选项,或在电话中要求中...
加拿大移民BC省投机与空置税这样交,99%的居民都能豁免 2月就要到了,卑诗省府寄出的投机与空置税(The Speculation and Vacancy Tax)申报表格你收到了吗? 注意:符合条件的地区,所有房主都需要填写表格,就算你只有一套自住房屋,也要申请豁免。如果一处住宅由多个业主拥有,那么每位业主都必须单独申报,即使业主之间是配...
除此之外,BC省的投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)也正式开启首次征收,1月份正式启动申报程序,BC的业主需要在3月31日前申报物业居住情况。 温哥华空置税申报时间 加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca记者采访张宝群会计师事务所任职的会计师张凌,她表示,温哥华空置税(Empty Homes Tax)和BC省的投机空置税(Speculation and Vac...
1.首先,打开网页https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/speculation-vacancy-tax,看到如下页面 2.点击右下方 “Declare Now ",进入申报页面Getting Started: 选择左边“提交新申报”(I want to submit a new declaration),会跳出来要求填写上省府寄送的通知信件上的申报号码(Declaration Code)、信件号码(Lett...
Speculation and Vacancy Tax Notices have just started to arrive to the addresses on file with BC Assessment. This would be the same address you receive your Property and/or Utilities tax notices and BC Assessment notice. Each person on title will be expected to make their own declaration. A ...
这里再重复一遍BC省投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax,SVT)的征收地理范围: 首都地区所有的城市(Capital Regional District); 大温地区(Metro Vancouver Regional District)的安莫尔(Anmore)、贝尔卡拉(Belcarra)、本拿比(Burnaby)、高贵林( Coquitlam)、三角洲(Delta)、 兰里(Langley City and Township)、 枫树...
卑诗省投机及空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)申报截止日期为本月31日。省府经常强调,仅不足1%省民要纳税。但这1%省民中,不少业主既没投机也没空置物业,用作自住却需付投机空置税,动辄逾万元。 他们有的是计划回流人士、有的...
I’m not opposed to a speculation tax. I’m sure it’s a good thing. But I won’t be surprised to find out that others had the problem I did. I glanced at the first notice I got and concluded that something would arrive in the mail,...
35 Good Products Vanke builds houses for people to live in, not for speculation. We always put quality, health and performance at the core of residential products, and conduct full life-cycle management and control of engineering quality to deliver quality products to customers. In 2019, Vanke ...