Association of BC Forest Professionals Association of BC Land Surveyors Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC BC College of Social Workers BC Institute of Agrologists BC Registered Music Teachers’ Association BC Society of Landscape Architects College of Applied Biol...
专业工程师与地球科学家协会(Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC) 社会工作者学院(BC College of Social Workers) 农业学家学院(BC Institute of Agrologists) 注册音乐教师协会(BC Registered Music Teachers’ Association) 景观建筑师协会(BC Society of Landscape Architects) 应用生物学家...
1.社工中国网 网址介绍:中国社会工作联合会(China Association of Social Workers缩写CASW,原中国社会工作协会),成立于1991年,1992年代表中国加入国际社会工作者联合会,是由致力于我国社会工作事业发展的社会工作行业组织、社会工作服务机构、专业社会工作者以及支持社...
BC Association of Social Workers BC Children’s Hospital Transgender Clinical Care Providers BC Nurses Union BC Trans Clinical Care Group (BC’s team of specialists in trans* health care, chaired by Dr. Gail Knudson, Medical Director of the Transgender Health Program) ...
It could be a natural gas leak. Stop what you’re doing.Go outside first, then call us or 911. 1-800-663-9911 Learn more Electricity outages Power outage? Electrical emergency? If you see downed power lines, stay at least 10 metres away and call us or 911. 1-866-436-7847 See ...
Success is measured in several ways. I choose to use HAPPINESS as the metric for success in both my personal and business lives. A balance of social (family and friends), physical (sports and recreation), and mental (work and school) activities have resulted in a very high HAPPINESS score...
C.O.D.E. offers neurodiverse students a learning structure of combined 1-on-1 tutoring & group-work, promoting dynamic play and social resilience that will help them learn and grow professionally and interpersonally. The program is mutually beneficial to the students and the tech sector as a...
Kevin is a lifelong football fan who has contributed countless volunteer hours to the development of football in British Columbia. His contribution to the sport started in the early 2000s when he took on a head coach role with the Coquitlam Minor Football Association. Kevin went on to coach at...
The Health Employers Association “works hard to protect the privacy of everyone who accesses our online services, and today it is important to let people know their personal information may have been taken through a cyberattack,” association CEO Michael McMillan said in a statement. ...
5.10 Unpaid or Subsidized Workers In order to maintain equitable tendering practices and to ensure the specified quality of workmanship, with the exception of persons employed as part of a job training or educational program, the BC Construction Association does not support the use of non-paid wor...