皇家BC博物馆(Royal BC Museum)建于1886年,位于维多利亚市风景绝佳的内港(Inner Harbour),是加拿大最重要的自然文化博物馆之一。这里收藏有1400万件精美藏品和档案,如果想要了解加拿大第一民族的灿烂文化和BC省的历史,那么一定不要错过这里哦。 ...
Royal BC Museum By Royal BC Museum 9.2/109.2 out of 1068 verified reviews68 reviews of this activity. More information about our verified reviews See all reviews Free cancellation available Price is $13 per adult$13 per adult See tickets Features Free cancellation available 7h Printed Voucher Ins...
The Royal BC Museum is hosting a unique Valentine’s event, Night Shift: Vintage Valentines (File Contributed/ Royal BC Museum) For anyone ready to talk nerdy on Valentine’s Day, there’s an event for you. The Royal BC Museum is hosting a unique Valentine’s evening titled Night Shift: ...
欧洲殖民者侵略以来,西海岸的生态环境随着经济发展遭到迅速破坏。自1905年至1972年,不列颠哥伦比亚省捕杀了三万只鲸鱼,导致虎鲸数目锐减。经过立法限制后,赏鲸业开始在不列颠哥伦比亚省发展,各种与保护虎鲸相关的流行文化也开始生长,人们用新时代的语言探寻着人类与虎鲸和平共存的更多可能。项目地址|675 Belleville Stree...
Royal BC Museum is admission by donation Jan. 6 to 12 with visitors invited to explore new and revamped spaces
Discover the Royal BC Museum and celebrate British Columbia’s diversity through enlightening and inspiring galleries that capture the stories of the people, plants and animals that call the province home, and see fascinating exhibitions from around the world. Take a stroll around Old Town, New App...
皇家卑诗博物馆(Royal B.C. Museum)位于雷鸟公园旁,每年吸引超过一百万人前来参观,是前来维多利亚必到访的景点之一。皇家卑诗博物馆的特色在于系统地对卑诗省历史、人文、自然生态等史迹,做了一个完整的展示与收藏,目前馆方共收藏达一千万件相关的展览馆品。 博物馆创立于1886年,馆内设立3个独立的展览馆,分别展示...
As local residents we always schedule a day for our out of province visitors to go to the Royal BC Museum. It has interesting exhibits that are well displayed. On rainy days it is a particularly good destination for visitors with children aged 6...
To restore its original function, RBCM should be moved to the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education. The BC Museum Act defines the function of the Royal BC Museum, and the RBCM museum directors don’t have to ask the public what those functions are. Adolf Ceska Saanich...
プロモーション対象のアクティビティをチェック ご予約はお早めに ビクトリア, ブリティッシュコロンビア州 4.9 (14)ビクトリアクラフトビールツアー ¥13,268~ ビクトリア, ブリティッシュコロンビア州 5.0 (16)カウチン バレー プレミアム ワイン ツアー ¥66,342~ 価格は...