BC-Residential-Tenancy-Branch网络卑诗省住宅租赁办公室 网络释义 1. 卑诗省住宅租赁办公室 无论是房东还是租客都受住宅法例保护,如遇到问题,可向卑诗省住宅租赁办公室(BC Residential Tenancy Branch)查询。 …www.canachieve.com.cn|基于34个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
The Residential Tenancy Branch Ruled: BC Landlord Acted Reasonably In Increasing Tenant Rent By 23.5% Canada Real Estate LK Lindsay Kenney LLP Article Managing Damages In Construction Agreements For Big Projects Canada Real Estate TL Torys LLP Article Recovery Or Retention Of A Deposit vs...
On October 26, 2017, the B.C. government introduced changes to the Residential Tenancy Act related to the use of vacating clause in a fixed term residential tenancy agreement. It is a clause that requires the tenants to move out or sign a new lease at the end of a fixed term tenancy. ...
由于租房纠纷投诉房东或房客: Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB), Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 投诉餐馆卫生问题: Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA)-Health Protection and Environment Services(另:餐馆历来的卫生检查记录在官网可查)https://www.healthspace.ca/Clients/VIHA/VIHA_Website.nsf...
Tenancy Branch page 2of 6 pages 1. APPLICATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT 1) The terms of this tenancy agreement and any changes or additions to the terms may not contradict or change any right or obligation under the Residential Tenancy Act or a regulation made under that Act, or any...
Real Estate and Financing; Residential Real Estate (conveyancing) MARY-JANE WILSON Barrister & Solicitor Guilford Landmark Building, 15127 - 100th Avenue, Suite 300, Surrey, British Columbia V3R 0N9, Phone: 604-583-7917 Web site:www.wilsonrasmussen.com ...
Pender Lodge Holdings Ltd., which owns and operates 60 micro-suites in Gastown, challenged the bylaw in court, arguing the city does not have legislative authority to implement rent control as that matter falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government’s Residential Ten...
(Bermuda) Limited Victoria Place, 5th Floor 31 Victoria Street PO Box HM 1624 Hamilton, HM GX Bermuda HONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE Tricor Standard Limited 17/F, Far East Finance Centre No 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong PRINCIPAL BANKERS Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) ...