TenancyAgreement ImportantNotes:#RTB–1 TheResidentialTenancyBranch(RTB)isoftheopinionthatthisResidentialTenancyAgreementaccuratelyreflectstheResidentialTenancyAct(RTA) andaccompanyingregulations.TheRTBmakesnorepresentationsorwarrantiesregardingtheuseofthisAgreement.Alandlordandtenantmay ...
该计划推荐使用无罪案住户租约附加协议 (Residential • 如果您住在连栋屋,请在位于本手册附录 2 处的消防 Tenancy Agreement Addendum for Crime Free Housing) 逃生图上绘制您的单元的楼层平面图。 从 1998 年起,所有卑诗房屋局的新租户在搬入时均须签 • 确保您知道至少两条通往楼外的路线,这样,在一条 ...
Law on Administrative Courts: An administrative law that regulates the procedures of the State for the settlement of disputes. The law describes the remedies available, including judicial review of a decision of the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB). For information about your tenancy rights, see t...
BC-Residential-Tenancy-Branch网络卑诗省住宅租赁办公室 网络释义 1. 卑诗省住宅租赁办公室 无论是房东还是租客都受住宅法例保护,如遇到问题,可向卑诗省住宅租赁办公室(BC Residential Tenancy Branch)查询。 …www.canachieve.com.cn|基于34个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
Oral tenancy: While section 13 of the LRA requires landlords to prepare leases in writing, section 1 of the LRA also states that a lease may be “oral, express or implied.” This means you don`t have to sign a written agreement to establish a tenancy. Despite the fact that oral leases...
Pender Lodge Holdings Ltd., which owns and operates 60 micro-suites in Gastown, challenged the bylaw in court, arguing the city does not have legislative authority to implement rent control as that matter falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government’s Residential Tena...
因房东要把房子收回自用,将租客驱逐,租客起诉后获得102,100加元赔偿,但最近这一判决被BC省最高法院推翻。BC住宅租赁部门(ResidentialTenancyBranch,简称RTB)的一名仲裁员曾裁定,房客TariqKassam应获得102,100加元赔偿,其中包括相当于12个月租金的赔偿(因他被驱逐)以及100加元的申... ...