1. APPLICATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT 1) The terms of this tenancy agreement and any changes or additions to the terms may not contradict or change any right or obligation under the Residential Tenancy Act or a regulation made under that Act, or any standard terms. ...
the Residential Tenancies Branch for information, training and dispute resolution services for landlords and tenants. The residential rental branch is available monday to Friday from 9:00 am.m to 4:00 pm.m .m .m a.m (except holidays). On the last Tuesday of each month, the Residential Re...
The App object The App object is a static object that represents the Acrobat application itself. It defines a number of Acrobat specific functions plus a variety of utility routines and convenience functions. By interacting with the App object, you can get to all of the currently open PDF ...
Rental and other deposits Deductible value-added taxes Investment prepayment Proceeds receivable from disposal of investments Loans to and interest receivable from other related parties (1) (Note 10) Loans to and interest receivable from third parties (1) Advertising prepayment Prepayment to outsourced ...
Rental of tangible personal property (If you include a driver with a car/equipment rental (which is a service) it becomes taxable) If YOU use the good in / for your business,it is taxable and does not fall under the exemptions. For example, shop supplies are taxable because YOU, not yo...
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Selling, general and administrative expenses consist primarily of marketing and advertising; salary and welfare expenses and compensation costs; office rental; legal, professional and consultancy fees; bad debt expenses; recruiting expenses; travel expenses and ...
Application has been made for the listing and quotation of the Notes on the SGX-ST. However, there can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain or maintain such listing or that an active trading market will develop. If no active trading market develops, you may not be able to ...
And rental contract / slip of booked accommodation, and selfie photo taken and uploaded in the appropriate field provided on the site. 4. 填写完毕并提交后, 会在工作时间的24小时内, 收到如下回执。 回执下载后, 就是PDF的...
The JPLs were appointed on the application of the Company in response to the presentation of a winding-up petition by a creditor of the Company in the Cayman Court. During the provisional liquidation, we operated our business under the day-to-day control of the Board, under the supervision ...
considered a form of forced marriage, given that one and/or both parties cannot express full, free, and in- formed consent due to their age.17 However, in many countries 16 and 17-year-olds who wish to marry are legally able to do so following a judicial ruling or pa- rental consent...