Peter Borszcz is a Real Estate Lawyer BC specializing in BC Real Estate Law including agriculture, wineries, vineyards and developments. Call 250-980-3360
Multi-State Law Firm currently licensed in45 states! MEET BC CLOSE Providing UPL advice, and comprehensive solutions for the real estate industry by offering exceptional, attorney-based mortgage closings and settlement services in the following states: ...
急救助理认证委员会(Emergency Medical Assistants Licensing Board) 律师协会(Law Society of BC) 特许专业会计师组织(Organization of Chartered Professional Accountants of BC) 公证人协会(Society of Notaries Public of BC) 房地产主管部门(Superintendent of Real Estate and BC Financial Services Authority) BC省...
Law Society of BC Organization of Chartered Professional Accountants of BC Society of Notaries Public of BC Superintendent of Real Estate (and BC Financial Services Authority)
Law, 罗 浩泓 于December 18, 2019 Posted in Real Estate 这是逻盛律师事务所发表的有关不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC省)政府《土地所有者透明度法案》(LOTA)的系列文章中的第一篇。 2018年,BC省政府发布了关于LOTA的白皮书,该白皮书为引入可公开访问的注册管理机构(“注册处”)制定了立法框架草案,以披露BC省土地的实益...
REAL ESTATE LAW Learn More WILLS AND PERSONAL PLANNING Learn More APOSTILLE SERVICES Learn More Everyone has a legal need fromtime to time, yet… The paperwork and language is confusing Walking into a legal office feels intimidating We question whether the expense is necessary We mak...
SWBC is comprised of highly experienced attorneys, knowledgeable in Litigation, Real Estate, Business Law, Arbitration & Mediation, Probate, Trust Administration, Conservatorships, Guardianships and Estate Planning. With over one hundred and twenty-five years of legal experience, Sinclair, Wilson, Baldo...
投诉地产经纪: Real Estate Council of BC (RECBC) 来自iPhone客户端5楼2020-06-17 03:26 回复 全民大表姐 人气楷模 12 投诉公立和教育机构投诉高等院校高等院校必须有自己的内部投诉解决机制 (一般是通过学校自己的信访专员Ombudsperson)。Ombudsperson解决不了的,可继续投诉至Governance and Quality Assurance ...
5598 Minart RoadWinlaw,British Columbia 2 Beds1 Baths8.8 Acres Whether you’re buying or selling a home (or both), your success hinges upon the expert advice and services provided by your real estate agent. I’m committed to providing my clients with professional services based on my experien...
“And we can’t depend on that. And so I’m hoping and maybe we need to look at some of our bylaw changes.” Coun. Alison Gu said the city needs purpose-built rentals to give tenants housing security. “Purpose-built rental allows a renter to plan a future in Burnaby ...