Leveraging strengths, transforming health care The PHSA undertook a unique strategic planning process in the fall of 2003 whereby we completed our strategic planning in "lock-step" with our agencies and programs, with the plans of one "shaping and shaped by" plans of the other. These plans,...
BCPNP(BC Provincial Nominee Program)是加拿大BC省省提名移民计划,可分为普通类(Regular Class), 和快速类省提名(EEBC)。 项目分类: 普通类BCPNP可分为五大类: ⭐️国际毕业生(International Graduate) ⭐️研究生硕博类别(International Post-Graduate) ...
符合要求的公共卫生机构名单: Provincial Health Services Authority First Nations Health Authority Fraser Health Interior Health Island Health Northern Health Vancouver Coastal Health Providence Health Care 医师和执业护士需要满足 如果您是正在或即将在BC省工作的医生或执业护士, 在公共卫生当局的支持下,您可以有资...
Leveraging strengths, transforming health care The PHSA undertook a unique strategic planning process in the fall of 2003 whereby we completed our strategic planning in "lock-step" with our agencies and programs, with the plans of one "shaping and shaped by" plans of the other. These plans,...
The Teck Acute Care Centre (TACC) at BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital replaced aging and inadequate facilities that could not accommodate the growing number of patients, the specialized care projections for the facility, or the new technologies that are vital for diagnosi...
BCPNP项目全称为BC Provincial Nominee Program,是由卑诗省政府移民计划处管理的经济移民计划。该计划使该省能够选择和提名外国工人、国际学生和企业家,以帮助满足卑诗省的劳动力市场需求,支持政府的优先事项,并帮助发展卑诗省的经济。如果您被提名,您和您的家人可以向 IRCC 申请成为加拿大永久居民。
Provincial Health Services Authority First Nations Health Authority Fraser Health Interior Health Island Health Northern Health Vancouver Coastal Health Providence Health Care 08 BC省半熟练工技术移民类别 BC省半熟练工技术移民类别是从事旅游、酒店、食品加工或医疗保健行业等特定职业的工人在BC省获得永久居留权的...
The provincial health officer has advised health care professionals to minimize direct physical contact where possible and to provide care to patients via telephone and video technology where appropriate. During the COVID-19 pandemic, WorkSafeBC will consider medical reports involving telephone and video...
Like the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIPP), the new Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot will operate alongside Canada』s Provincial Nominee Program. 新計劃的申請要求 感興趣的社區,必須在2019年3月1日之前提交完整的申請;被選中參與該計劃的社區將於2019年春季公布;移民部將與選定的社區合作,在之後開始找合...