现今,BC省的房主不仅要应对严重通货膨胀带来的生活成本上升和沉重的房贷压力,还要面对不断飙升的地税。 在这个艰难的历史时刻,政府的地税延期计划(Property Tax Deferment Program)或许能为你提供帮助。 “我刚满55岁,拥有一套房子,房贷即将还清。 最近,我们在主要住所完成了一些拖延已久且费用昂贵的维修工作,例如更换...
光是有孩子,且孩子未满18岁的家庭,在BC省就不胜枚举,这项计划名叫Deferment Program,可以在这个网址申请: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/property-taxes/annual-property-tax/defer-taxes 当申请完成后,你的地税就可以获得延期,但要注意的是,如果第二年地税还想继续延期,得重新申请,每年申请一次,...
延迟交地税计划(BC Property Tax Deferment Programs) 其实,在BC,一些特殊人群可以申请延迟缴纳地税,包括上面说的这位老人。 该计划始于1974年,是政府针对那些不能负担高地税的个人(55岁以上),丧偶、残障以及家庭里有18岁以下儿童的家庭提供的延迟缴纳主要住所地税的优惠计划。 申请网址: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/...
As far as the business-to-resident tax ration, Delta is most favourable compared to other communities in the region with populations of 75,000 or greater. During council’s discussion, it was noted that a provincial property tax deferment program for those who qualify is available, including on...
Rural property tax deferment application, payment, or deferral payment Speculation and vacancy tax Student Aid BC attestation Switch over driver’s license after moving to BC Ticket payment or dispute Vehicle impound release Driving prohibition review ...
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