根据加拿大统计局2023年7月的GDP报告,受港口罢工影响,7月份水运量下降了3.4%,导致BC省30多个港口(包括加拿大最繁忙的温哥华港)关闭,船舶贸易量减少。特别是与美国以外国家的进出口量下降,尤其是来自中国的货物量大幅减少。 新闻信息来源:https://bc.ctvnews.ca/union-members-authorize-possible-b-c-port-strike-b...
去年,BC省港口数千名工人发起罢工,导致港口停摆13天,造成约10亿加元的贸易损失! https://vancouversun.com/news/bc-port-strike-update-mediators-deadline
Strike action in 2023 by thousands of workers in a separate dispute at B.C.’s ports shut down most operations for 13 days and froze billions in trade at the docks. Then, in August, work stoppages at both major Canadian railways disrupted port operations again. The employers’ associati...
HHS(美国卫生与公众服务部)在其报告中指出,该组织在2022年专门针对医疗行业进行攻击,并经常在部署勒索软件时使用SystemBC和Cobalt Strike Beacon: 2023年初,该入侵集中使用相同的perflogs暂存目录; SystemBC始终与Cobalt Strike配对使用; Cobalt Strike主机之间共享配置文件数据; 在2023年初的某个医疗机构中,DroxiDat和No...
Feb 13, 2023SaleMichael SestrickSVP & Chief Technology OfficerDerivative/Non-derivative$135.67 PER SHARE-278$-37,716 Feb 8, 2023SaleMichael SestrickSVP & Chief Technology OfficerDerivative/Non-derivative$138.09 PER SHARE-999$-137,952 Feb 8, 2023PurchaseMichael SestrickSVP & Chief Technology Office...
Awesome CobaltStrike:CobaltStrike知识库 https://github.com/zer0yu/Awesome-CobaltStrike Erebus:后渗透测试插件 https://github.com/DeEpinGh0st/Erebus LSTAR:综合后渗透插件 https://github.com/lintstar/LSTAR ElevateKit:提权插件 https://github.com/rsmudge/ElevateKit Burpsuite Extensions HaE:高亮标...
"description": "ES File Explorer Open Port Vulnerability - CVE-2019-6447", "fork": false, "created_at": "2019-01-09T22:30:42Z", "updated_at": "2024-09-27T11:59:47Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-30T07:25:46Z", "pushed_at": "2023-09-28T18:58:28Z", "stargazers_count": 66...
The union representing about 7,400 of Canada's port and dock workers has been warned by the Canada Industrial Relations Board that it cannot change its mind about a new deal during ratification. The board says that would be an ``unfair labour practice,'' referencing a ...
分享跨境电商物流知识。无干货,不输出! 【时事分享】加拿大温哥华码头罢工结束 | 加拿大温哥华罢工结束通知。BCMEA和ILWU之间已达成协议,温哥华码头罢工已经结束,温哥华各个码头逐步恢复运营。由于刚结束罢工,各港口出现拥堵的情况,卸柜、提柜和派送时效将有所延误!# 亚马逊# 加拿大温哥华# 罢工结束# 亚马逊仓库# ...
Amid the exchange of fire, the Houthi group deployed the hypersonic "Palestine-2" missile to strike Israeli targets and shot down U.S.-made MQ-9 drones. The Houthis also claimed that they had launched missile and drone attacks against U.S. aircraft carriers in the Red Sea. Meanwhile, U...