128 ITAs were issued through BC PNP draw held on June 28, 2022 Candidates having a CRS score ranging from 60 and 124 were invited A targeted draw invited Tech workers, Early childhood educators, Healthcare workers *Check your eligibility to migrate to Canada through Y-AxisCanada Immigration Poi...
The tool below is the BC points calculator (SIRS), which allows you to assess your SIRS score by answering a series of simple questions. Users should note that, at this time, all BC PNP immigration categories that are subject to SIRS require applicants to accept an offer of full-time inde...
To apply for the Skills Immigration or Express Entry BC categories candidates must first create a profile through the BC PNP’s online portal and register under its Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS). Applicants are evaluated and issued a score based on factors such as level of educatio...
In the latest BC PNP draw, invitations to apply went out to candidates under 4 different BC PNP streams. The minimum score required was 80 across all the categories. By the minimum score here is implied the score allotted following successful registration under the BC PNP’s Skills Immigration ...
B.C. invited 52 immigration candidates who work in the IT sector to apply for a provincial nomination on June 29. The new invitations were issued through the BC PNP Tech, which is part of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). Those in
除NYIT以外,目前新未来加拿大硕士项目内还有一个BC PNP提名硕士专业,就是美国菲尔莱狄更斯大学温哥华校区的Master of Science in Applied Computer Science应用计算机科学。该专业也是符合BC省提名特殊专业要求,毕业后可以直接参与移民申请。且对申请背景的灵活要求,更放宽了各类型的学生来申请。
PNP draw results September 2-8 Saskatchewan Saskatchewan invited a total of 1,703 candidates over two days on September 6 and 7, nearly doubling the number of candidates invited on the previous draw on September 1, which was the largest draw of 20...
飞出国:截止到 2016 10月,BC PNP 省提名移民邀请数据见下表。 BC-PNP-Invitations-To-Apply-Table_2016-Draws700×1948 326 KB aimright2016 年10 月 20 日 01:357 飞出国:从上表数据总结了一下 BC PNP 近半年多总共邀请 4132 技术类申请人,邀请人数在不断增加,移民趋势利好。
BCPNP (Tech Pilot)12月23日抽分: SI - Skilled Worker , SI - International Graduate , EEBC - Skilled Worker , EEBC - International Graduate, 统统90分! 统统90分!! 统统90分!!! 以上4项都跟上次同分。邀请总人数52人,较上次减少1人。
The BC PNP Tech is only open to people who are already eligible for either the Skills Immigration or Express Entry BC stream. Find Out if You’re Eligible for Canadian Immigration If you are in the …