2、省提名注册 - 在BCPNP官网上注册填写个人信息,系统将根据填写的信息自动为每个申请人计算得分;试验项目每个月抽签,邀请得分靠前的申请人。 Provincial nomination Registration-Register on the BCPNP website to fill in personal information, the system will automatically calculate the score for each applicant ...
The recent volatility in prices is only one of several challenges facing the oil industry. Although at first sight Big Oil seems to be in rude health, posting record profits, this survey will argue that the western oil majors will have their work cut out to cope with the rise of resource...
2、省提名注册 - 在BCPNP官网上注册填写个人信息,系统将根据填写的信息自动为每个申请人计算得分;试验项目每个月抽签,邀请得分靠前的申请人。 Provincial nomination Registration-Register on the BCPNP website to fill in personal information, the system will automatically calculate the score for each applicant ...