例如阿省ATP科技人才快速提名项目,只需满足EE300分就可申请。 一步到位枫叶卡 阿尔伯塔科技人才 快速提名项目 2022年初,阿尔伯塔省推出省提名项目Accelerated Tech Pathway(简称“ATP”,加速技术移民通道),旨在吸引具有技术背景的申请者到阿省定居工作, 以便于推动阿省科技、技术和经济的发展。 相比阿省EE-General Dra...
The tool below is the BC points calculator (SIRS), which allows you to assess your SIRS score by answering a series of simple questions. Users should note that, at this time, all BC PNP immigration categories that are subject to SIRS require applicants to accept an offer of full-time inde...
The SIRS score will be issued based on various factors, such as location of employment in BC, proficiency in the English language, work experience, education etc. Occupations excluded from the draw Certain occupations were excluded from the February 2 BC PNP draw due to the impact of the cor...
稳稳当当 BCPNP-Tech Pilot draw再抽选 加拿大当地时间3月23日,新一轮抽选获邀分数回升至80分,共有95人获得邀请; 目前BC省还没有宣布此试点通道延期的通知,按现行政策制度 此试点通道到6月就将关闭
The province of British Columbia in Canada has held its latest Tech Pilot draw through the BC Provincial Nominee Program [BC PNP]. 67 Invitations to Apply [ITAs] were issued in the BC PNP Tech Pilot draw on September 8, 2020. While thelast BC PNP draw was held on September 1, 2020 ...
Candidates who received invitations in yesterday’s draw were from the Skilled Worker and International Graduate subcategories and needed a minimum provincial score of 80. Invited candidates have 30 calendar days to apply for the nomination. B.C’s Tech Pilot now a permanent program The BC PNP Te...
🇨🇦 加拿大当地时间11月30日,BCPNP Tech draw[仅图二中的29个岗位 有资格进入该通道]进行了新一轮的抽选 🛎 本轮获邀分数线小幅上涨来到了78分;共有89位申请人获得邀请 💖 IT背景申请人 程序员、工程师 冲! 发布于 2021-12-01 18:50
登录/注册 summer出国 老移民summer BCPNP 2月28日, Tech only draw 科技类职位83分,145人; 定向邀请60分:42202幼教18人,HC医护6人#加拿大移民 发布于 2023-03-01 11:47・IP 属地北京 写下你的评论... 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 ...
2017年-2024年BC省提名企业家移民邀请分数汇总 邀请日期邀请类别类别邀请分数邀请人数 2024年11月5区域试点130<5 2024年11月5日基本类11510 2024年9月24日基本类1226 2024年8月13日区域试点122<5 2024年8月13日基本类11710 2024年06月25日区域试点141<5 ...