675 Belleville ST Victoria BC V8W 9W2 Discover the Royal BC Museum and celebrate British Columbia’s diversity through enlightening and inspiring galleries that capture the stories of the people, plants and animals that call the province home, and see fascinating exhibitions from around the world....
皇家BC省博物馆Royal BC Museum 5.5 热度 4分 27条点评 维多利亚必打卡景点榜 No.3 开园中 10:00-18:00开放 实用攻略 675 Belleville St, Victoria, BC V8W 9W2, 加拿大 地图·周边 达人笔记 加拿大BC省的宝藏博物馆🏛皇家博物馆🤩 喵星人在旅途 250 加拿大皇家BC博物馆:探索历史...
A Must Se in Victoria BC Canada Real fine Museum to visit, near the center of Victoria at its old city and its Parliament Buildings plus Harbor, an half a day of getting to know the original and heritage of the Province of British Columbia. ...
周边有Beacon Hill Park和一些Trail,散步的话很不错! 图15~16:Royal BC Museum. 很小但很良心。尤其是里面的自然展馆,布景可以以假乱真了。还有个展馆里是复刻的旧时街道,类似南京博物馆里的民国馆。 图10~12:The Butchart Gardens. 好贵的一个花园!不过里头的小景致还是很精致的。我主要在日本花园拍了不...
St. Ann’s Schoolhouse, the Netherlands Centennial Carillon and Thunderbird Park. Our precinct also includes a year-round food truck festival and 2 Percent Jazz Coffee. Come explore the Royal BC Museum. Located on Victoria’s Inner Harbour, we are within walking distance of downtown hotels and...
皇家BC省博物馆(The Royal BC Museum) 置身博物馆,您可以了解维多利亚1920年代的历史,见识生活在其栖息的长毛象,还可以了解当地原住民的仪式面具。BC省的自然和人类历史都被永远陈列在了维多利亚的皇家BC省博物馆(The Royal BC Museum)。博物馆不但致力于展出其收藏的文物和藏品(共700万件),还竭尽所能让展品(和...
维多利亚日(Victoria Day): 5月25日前的最后一个星期一。这个节日是为了庆祝维多利亚女王的生日,当属全年最大的庆典,有舞者、游行乐队和50000多名观众。 BC日(BC Day):8月的第一个星期一。这是一个多元文化的欢聚盛典。 维多利亚龙舟节(Victoria Dragon Boat F...
And with a unique blend of historical and cultural influences, Victoria is home to an impressive mix of cuisines, celebrations, and culture that creates a fun, festive atmosphere. History buffs will love the museum scene in the oldest city in the Pacific Northwest. Spend some time at the ...
📍地址:675 Belleville St. Victoria, BC V8W 9W2 🎫 门票: 成人/学生/老人/6-18岁青少年(C$5)、5岁以下儿童(免费) 🕐 时间:每日10:00 AM–6:00 PM 🔗 网址:https://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/ 02 温哥华美术馆 Vancouver Art Gallery
Visit the world-class Royal BC Museum, tour 125-year-old heritage buildings, or explore diverse marine wildlife along our coast. Whatever you choose, go beyond seeing and doing to embracing everything life in Victoria offers.Explore Attractions Location FilterSelect Location Theme FilterSelect Theme...