The Residential Tenancy Branch Ruled: BC Landlord Acted Reasonably In Increasing Tenant Rent By 23.5% Canada Real Estate LK Lindsay Kenney LLP Article Managing Damages In Construction Agreements For Big Projects Canada Real Estate TL Torys LLP Article Recovery Or Retention Of A Deposit vs...
如房东想要驱逐租客的话,不能自行赶出,需先向(Landlord and Tenant Board)申请驱逐令,此时这个委员会将举行听证会,经过委员会的裁决之后,才会派出警察将房客驱逐出去。 受租屋法保护的租客和房东有纠纷该怎么办呢? 首先我们了解下BC省有管理房屋租赁的政府部门Residential Tenancy Branch,在Burnaby, 有一间BC省唯一的...
Being a Landlord Can Be Challenging…It Can Also Be Very Profitable… Get the Tools and Expertise You Need to Succeed! Whether you are thinking of investing in residential investment properties, are a new landlord, have been in industry for a few years or are a long-term veteran landlord, ...
TenancyAgreement ImportantNotes:#RTB–1 TheResidentialTenancyBranch(RTB)isoftheopinionthatthisResidentialTenancyAgreementaccuratelyreflectstheResidentialTenancyAct(RTA) andaccompanyingregulations.TheRTBmakesnorepresentationsorwarrantiesregardingtheuseofthisAgreement.Alandlordandtenantmay ...
The two landlords were seeking a 23.5 per cent addition rent increase because their current financial situation is unsustainable due to increasing rate hikes. A May 2024 ruling from the Residential Tenancy Branch says the landlords did have a buffer, but they said "no one saw...
The landlord will be still able to increase your rent as per requirements described above. Please contact us if you have any question via email atinfo@bolld.caor at 855-266-8588. Source: Residential Tenancy Branch BC
BC省租户资源及咨询中心执行董事Andrew Sakamoto表示,如果业主真有装修需求,必须提前向省住宅租赁部门(Residential Tenancy Branch)提出申请,才可以告知或驱赶租客。 否则租客有权将房东告上法庭。 租房公司LandlordBC的执行董事David Hutniak表示,他们对其有合作关系的3300名房东,以及12万5千栋出租房屋进行了调查,发现所有...
Bowers and her family are being evicted from their 15th Avenue apartment so that the landlord can do renovations. The family fought what they called a "renoviction" through the Residential Tenancy Branch, but an arbitrator ultimately decided that the renovations were legitimate, and upheld the...