insurance companies and hedge funds that were teetering on the brink of collapse.The administration, pushing Congress to act quickly on its reform agenda, sent Congress a 61-page bill dealing with the expanded powers to seize control of nonbank institutions late Wednesday and the House Financial ...
(113)Rule 7-1(35)Rule 7-6(37)Rule 7-6(1)(40)Rule 9(106)Rule 9-1(69)Rule 9-1(5)(48)Rule 9-1(6)(50)Rule 11(50)Rule 11-6(39)Rule 12(68)RUle 14(62)Rule 14-1(60)Rule 15(32)Rule 37B(51)section 24 Insurance (Vehicle) Act(37)soft tissue injuries(76)soft tissue ...
-a universal compulsory vehicle insurance plan -under insurance (Vehicle) Act, ICBC mandated to provide the this plan -vehicle owner in BC are require to purchased this plan as part of the vehicle licensing procedure *must have a valid/existing driver certificate(DL) ...
When the province announced the change in Evidence Act regulations, it said the changes “will reduce the cost and complexity of lawsuits under the current auto insurance system.” It added disbursements considered for reimbursement under the six per...
“Privacy Legislation” – means, the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and associated regulations as amended from time to time; and the Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and associated regulations as amended from time to time, as applicable. ...
The Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act ("Act") and Regulations (Part 7 of the Act and sections 7.1 to 7.9 of the Regulations) require that vehicles carrying explosives of a net explosive quantity (NEQ) of 75kg or greater, or as required by schedule 1 to have an ...
• Commercial insurance package including accidental insurance, life insurance, and supplementary medical insurance Provident Fund – if applicable • Professional development opportunities – we offer a broad range of professional courses to large corporations and that is available for our staff members...
(including statutes, regulations, other administrative guidance, and common law doctrines), such as the following: Anti-discrimination statutes, such as the Age Discrimination in --- Employment Act and Executive Order 11,141, which prohibit age discrimination in employment; Title VII of the Civil ...
根据《保险法》(肯尼亚法律第487章,Insurance Act )第22(b)和第23(4)条,保险公司至少三分之一的控制权(无论是股份、实缴股本还是投票权)必须完全由以下人员控制:东非共同体成员国的公民;所有合伙人均为东非共同体成员国的公民的合伙企业;或由东非共同...
Older soda-acid extinguishers are included as WHMIS Classes, Skin Corrosive/Irritation and Serious Eye Damage/Irritation under Part 8 Subparts 2 and 3 of the Hazardous Products Regulations.Section 13(1)(b) of the federal Hazardous Products Act (HPA) requires that a supplier apply a label to a...