The European Chamber website careers section contains job postings from more than 1,700 members all around China, including most of the biggest European corporations, growing SMEs and international organisations. Below are job...
工资:32.04 元/小时 对上述职位感兴趣、或是有经验的职场人士不妨一试:申请网址: 此外,如果对于零售企业有兴趣,最近加拿大最大的零售企业 Loblaw 也放出不少职位空缺,正在加拿大各地招聘多个职位。 Loblaw 旗下的一些商店包括多个零售连锁商店,如 Atlantic Superstore、...
Would you like to find jobs in the craft beer industry and/or work related to the rapidly-growing BC brewing sector? Browse our ongoing BC beer job board for craft beer job listings. EMPLOYERS:To place your job posting on Beer Me BC, simply click the green button!POST YOUR JOB If you ...
Shanghai is the most desirable city to work in the eyes of young domestic job seekers, according to a recent survey. Statistics from China's leading recruitment portal Liepin shows Shanghai trumping Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou as...
Step 2: Know More about Jobs 其次,你需要对想要从事的工作有深入的了解。工作职责、薪资、职业发展机会和公司文化等因素都在考虑范围内。可以参考这些问题: 1. What are thespecific job responsibilities and tasksinvolved? 具体工作职责和任务是...
The European Chamber website careers section contains job postings from more than 1,700 members all around China, including most of the biggest European corporations, growing SMEs and international organisations. Below are jo...
The European Chamber website careers section contains job postings from more than 1,700 members all around China, including most of the biggest European corporations, growing SMEs and international organisations. Below are jobs...
The European Chamber website careers section contains job postings from more than 1,700 members all around China, including most of the biggest European corporations, growing SMEs and international organisations. Below are job...