Government at all levels must give strong support to the development of national defense and the armed forces, and conduct extensive activities to promote mutual support between civilian sectors and the military, so that the unity between the military an...
Producers, importers, and mar- keters of non-degradable plastic packaging in Cameroon have un- til March 2014 to find alternatives, or face government sanctions. The planned ban has sparked some grumbling in Cameroon. At the main market in Douala, vendors package every purchased item with a ...
有一碱液,其中可能只含NaOH、NaHCO3、Na2CO3,也可能含NaOH和Na2CO3或NaHCO3和Na2CO3。现取一定量试样,加水适量后加酚酞指示剂。用HCl 标准溶液滴定至酚酞变色时,消耗HC1标准溶液:V1mL,再加入甲基橙指示剂,继续用同浓度的HC1标准溶液滴定至甲基橙变色为终点,又消耗HC1标准溶液V2mL,当此碱液是混合物时,V1和V2...