Susan(化名)名下的房产在申报2022年BC省投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)的时候按照主要自住住宅进行了申报。BC省政府进行了审查(Audit),要求提供文件。Susan应该如何证明这的确是她的主要自用住宅呢? 满足BC省投机空置税的主要自用住宅豁免条件,需要从以下四个方面证明: 首先,必须是加拿大公民加拿大永久居民。
炒房税是BC省为了阻止住房投机的补充措施,早已实施并不断扩大适用地理区域的还有BC投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)。 从今年1月1日开始,BC省的投机空置税征收范围为: 大温地区; 大温以东的阿伯茨福德(Abbotsford)、米逊(Mission)和奇利瓦克(Chilliwack); 大温以北的斯阔米什(Squamish); 以维多利亚为中心...
申报入口的网址为:,点击“Declare Now”进入申报页面。 所有信件应在2月底前投递完毕。不过,由于当前邮寄服务的延误,信件可能需要更长时间才能投递。 如果居住地址改变,业主需要及时BC Assessment 和Land Title and Survey Authority of BC(LTS...
The Province of BC has introduced the Speculation and Vacancy Tax. (Not to be confused with the Empty Home Tax (EHT) for the City of Vancouver (only). These are two separate taxes to be treated as such.) Speculation and Vacancy Tax Notices have just started to arrive to the addresses o...
Canada Underused Housing Tax - Toronto Vacant Home Tax - Vancouver Empty Home Tax - Ottawa Vacant Unit Tax - BC Speculation and Vacancy TaxEducation and assistance For Canadian residents, United States residents and other non-Canadian residents with their Canadian compliance obligations....
the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade. CEO Bridgitte Anderson said while she’s happy the government provided relief to businesses by raising the employer health tax threshold, she’s concerned about the increase in taxpayer-supported debt, projected to be $71.9 billion this year, and the deficit...
The Group will also actively cooperate with measures including the “three red lines” under the central government, so as to continue working hard on the product side while maintaining strategic and financial stability. In view of the differentiated characteristics of real estate market development ...
Susan(化名)名下的房产在申报2022年BC省投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)的时候按照主要自住住宅进行了申报。BC省政府进行了审查(Audit),要求提供文件。Susan应该如何证明这的确是她的主要自用住宅呢? 满足BC省投机空置税的主要自用住宅豁免条件,需要从以下四个方面证明: ...
Susan(化名)名下的房产在申报2022年BC省投机空置税(Speculation and Vacancy Tax)的时候按照主要自住住宅进行了申报。BC省政府进行了审查(Audit),要求提供文件。Susan应该如何证明这的确是她的主要自用住宅呢? 满足BC省投机空置税的主要自用住宅豁免条件,需要从以下四个方面证明: ...