100 BTBC to USD (100 Bitbase to US Dollar) Exchange Calculator Amount Currency from×Bitbase Currency To×US Dollar How much is 100 Bitbase in US Dollar? 100 Bitbase is 0.000000001 US Dollar. So, you've converted100Bitbaseto0.000000001US Dollar. We used78816367322International Currency Exchange ...
勇气,胆量, crop/ krɔp/ n.农作物,庄稼;一熟 胆识 cross/ krɔs/ vt.穿过;使交叉 14 / 66 crowd/ kraud/ n.群;大众;一伙人 dairy [‘dɛəri] n.牛奶场;乳制品 crown/ kraun/ n.王冠,冕;花冠 dam [dæm] n.水坝,水堤;障碍物 crude/ kru:d/ a.简陋的;天然的 damage [‘d...
The procedure allows the capacitors a soft start that will expose any potential problems before the voltages get to a point where severe damage can occur. This is why it is very important to avoid the temptation to just plug-in a newly found old calculator. Side profile and top quarter ...
筑坝 damage n. 损坏,毁坏,(pl.)赔偿金;vt. 损坏,毁坏 damn vt. 指责,攻击,咒骂;vi. 咒骂;n. 诅咒用语 damp n. & a. 潮湿(的);v. 打湿 dance vi. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈,舞会 danger n. 危险,危险物,威胁 dangerous a. 危险的 dare vt. 敢,竟敢,向…挑战,激;aux. & v. 胆敢,敢 dark a. ...
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calculator计算器 calendar variation 日历变动 calendar year 日历年度 call 期前偿还,期前兑回,催缴股款,买方期权 callable bond 可提前兑回债券 callable preferred stock 可提前兑回优先股 call deposit 活期存款 called bond 已要求兑回的债券 called-up capital 已催缴股本 call feature 提前兑回特征 call loan...
Daily load curve Daily load Damage Damper Danger Dank Danger zone Data Data base Data acquisition system Data highway Date Data pool Dc lub oil pump Dead band Deaerator Decimeter Decrease Deep Default Degree Demand Delay Delay time Delete Demineralized water Demineralizer Deposit Desalt Description Des...
7.The engineerpointed out, “to some extent, the morefunctions a calculator has,the morelikely it is to beout of order.” 这位工程师指出:“某种程度而言,计算器的功能越多,它越有可能出故障。” 8.We haven’t contactedeach othersince he left the ...
dairy damage danger dash deal debate decay deceive deceiver decide decision declare decorate decrease deduce defect defence defend define definite definition delete delicate delicious delight deliver delivery democracy democratic demonstrate(表演) dense density deny deposit depress depressed depression derive descr...
damage v. & n.dance v. & n.danger n.dark a.data n.date n.daughter n.dayn.dead a.*deadline n.*deaf a.deal n. & v.dear a.December n.decide v.*decorate v.deep a. & ad.degree n.delay n. & v.*deletev.selicious a.*delighted a.deliverv...