000 and individuals earning up to $20,000. There was be a 4% phase out on incomes above the threshold. It was integrated with the GST credit and the climate action tax credit which is paid out in quarterly installments.
The history of activism dates well back to 1952 and the American Cancer Society’s Reach to Recovery when a doctor had to give permission for a post mastectomy woman to be seen by a volunteer, lest she be too distressed by the encounter. The Susan G Komen Foundation (now Komen for the ...
The available radiocarbon dates show that in the oldest occupation phase currently known (5300–5100 cal BC), 90% of the remains that have been determined tax- onomically come from domestic species: sheep, goat, pig and cattle. This propor- tion decreases in following Neolithic occupations to...
According to Cameroonian State policy on land ownership, which dates back to 1974, land con- cession recipients of State property pay rent to the Treasury calculated at a rate of one (1) franc (CFA) per square metre. Aside from a land concession, the investor may opt July-August 2013 /...
There has been a lot of attention on climate change lately. Do you think this attention will fade away, or could there be a real step change this time? My guess is we're getting close to the true tipping point. Maybe we've already reached it. There'...