为帮助民众应对生活成本增长带来的挑战,BC省府已于上周将提升额度的气候行动退税 (Climate Action Tax Credit) 作为一次性付款存入省民的银行账户。 财政厅长罗品珍 (Selina Robinson) 说:“现在民众和家庭的生活成本更高,有些人的家庭预算所承受的通货膨胀压力比其他人更多。这项增加额度的退税款,是我们现在能够...
增加《卑诗家庭福利》补助是《2023 财政预算案》其中一项为省民减轻负担及增强支援的投资。其他帮助省民减轻负担的新支援措施包括: 1、第三笔《卑诗负担能力补助 BC Affordability Credit》将于4月发放,以帮助约 85% 的卑诗省民应对全球通胀所导致的生活成本上升,为每名成人提供高达 $164 的补助,为每名儿童提供高...
5 climate action tax credit payment. B.C. Family Benefit — Beginning with the Jan. 20 payment, the province will add a “temporary enhancement” of up to $58.33 per child for each of the first three months of the year. Again, the amount depends on income. For a family with two...
省气候行动税收抵免 (Climate Action Tax Credit) 除了家庭补助,BC将在7月份起增加省气候行动税收抵免,缓解省民生活压力! 注意,这个气候行动税收抵免是按季度发放的。 省政府表示,随着碳税率提高,气候行动税收抵免的补贴金额也将逐年增加,本省目标是到2030年,有80%的家庭可以受惠。 学生贷款 本周,省长尹大卫召...
2. 气候行动税收抵免(Climate Action Tax Credit) 省政府为缓解BC省居民生活压力的另一种方式,是增加BC省气候行动税收抵免。 省政府在给Daily Hive的一封电子邮件中表示:“作为2023年预算的一部分,BC省政府大幅增加了气候行动税收抵免,以应对上涨的生活成本,并给予最需要的人们一些帮助。” ...
as a prime example of constructive global climate action through global partnership. The Green Grids Initiative - One Sun, One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) was also launched by India in 2021, as the first international network of global interconnected s...
The report recommends a significant lowering of the current threshold for companies required to report their pay gaps from 250 employees to 50. The government’spost-implementation reviewin 2023 highlighted that “only half of employers plan to or are taking effective action to close their gap”,...
气候行动退税金 (Climate Action Tax Credit) 卑诗省府稍早宣布增加了气候行动退税金,“以解决成本上升问题,并为最需要的人提供帮助”。 新的季度的付款将于 10 月支付。 新的金额为个人 504 元、配偶 252 元、每个孩子 126 元。个人收入门槛升至 41,071 元,家庭收入门槛升至 57,288 元。
as a prime example of constructive global climate action through global partnership. The Green Grids Initiative - One Sun, One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) was also launched by India in 2021, as the first international network of global interconnected s...