加拿大BC省又添新福利,子女福利金领至18岁 自2020年10月起,新的儿童福利项目B.C. Child Opportunity Benefit(BC COB)将取代BC省现行的儿童福利津贴 B.C. Early Childhood Tax Benefit (BCETB)。政府将拨款给所有有孩子的家庭,18岁以下的孩子都可以享受该项福利。 原来的BCECTB只能领取到孩子6岁,每年最高领取$...
对有孩子的家庭来说,这份新的财政预算案可以说是元宵节派的一个大红包。即将在明年10月开始推行的“儿童发展补助”(Child Opportunity Benefit ) 将会取代现有的“幼儿税收优惠”。同样是税收抵免福利,但有别于现有的优惠只针对6岁或以下儿童,新的“儿童发展补助”将会大幅增加受惠人群年龄到18岁以下。 如果家庭年...
这次财政预算案的重头之一:公布了新的儿童福利金即将“投入市场”。BCOB全称BC Child Opportunity Benefit(儿童机会福利金),是省政府新推出的一项儿童福利金,用于替代旧的ECTB(Early Childhood Tax Benefit)。这项新的福利金不仅增加了金额,还降低了门槛,更多人能直接享受政府福利。 儿童机会福利金的优势: 1. 18岁...
针对育儿领域,新民主党省府推出名为卑诗儿童机遇福利(B.C. Child Opportunity Benefit)的新政,从2020年10月开始,将为育有1个孩子的家庭每年提供1600加元,有两个孩子的家庭每年可得到2600加元,有三个家庭的孩子每年可获得3400加元,而且这一福利一直支付到孩子18岁为止。 高度见闻点评:从这一新政不难看出,新民主党...
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Child Behaviour Just like adults, children can also benefit from therapy. Psychotherapy can help children develop important interpersonal and problem-solving skills that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. Therapy can also help a child to deal with behavioural issues th...
providing a unique opportunity for birdwatching and wildlife spotting. If you're a beer enthusiast, you're in for a treat as Canadas Best Value Inn is conveniently located near the Three Ranges Brewing Company. Step into this local brewery and immerse yourself in the world of craft beer. Samp...
opportunity /.opa'tju:niti/ n.机会 reduce /rirdju:s/ vt.缩小,减小,减低;使成为;简化;还原 system /sistam/ n.系统,体系;制度,体制 amount /amaunt/ n.数量,数额,总数 vt.(to)合计,相当于,等同 decade /'dekeid/ n.十年 figure /f...
Beth Caldwell, who has become an advocate for cancer-research funding, wrote in a blog post: ‘People ask me why I’m so committed to getting more research done on metastatic breast cancer, knowing that I’m not likely to live long enough to benefit from it. I don’t want my mom to...
Research of this kind is ground-breaking.“This work demonstrates the great power of a technology,”says lead researcher, Jeffrey Berenstain.“The real opportunity here is to be at its best with what you use and how you us...