(3) An emergency lighting system in a fixed facility must meet the requirements of section 3.2.7 (Lighting and Emergency Power Systems) of the BC Building Code with regard to(a) illumination level,(b) use of recessed fixtures,(c) duration of emergency lighting,...
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(7) Supply Ramp Rate of 3.3V Rails (VDDIO, VDDA) VBOR-VDDIO-GB VDDIO Brown Out Reset (5) Voltage Guardband External VREG CVDD TOTAL(1) (4) Total VDD Capacitance(7) SRVDD12 (3) Supply Ramp Rate of 1.2V Rail (VDD) VDDIO - VDD Ramp Delay Between VDDIO Delay(6) and VDD Internal...
(7) Supply Ramp Rate of 3.3V Rails (VDDIO, VDDA) VBOR-VDDIO-GB VDDIO Brown Out Reset (5) Voltage Guardband External VREG CVDD TOTAL(1) (4) Total VDD Capacitance(7) SRVDD12 (3) Supply Ramp Rate of 1.2V Rail (VDD) VDDIO - VDD Ramp Delay Between VDDIO Delay(6) and VDD Internal...