这也导致了大量土地只能建低层公寓,不仅房源较少,开发商和建商的获利也相对较低。 如今,这样的现状随着木材的技术升级而被打破。 3月13日,省长贺谨宣布,BC省建筑标准(BuildingCode)已进行修改,木结构房屋层高的限高从原来的6层直接翻倍到12层! 自此,BC省也成为加拿大第一个允许兴建12层木制建筑的省份。 据报道...
而下一版本的《卑诗省建筑规范》(BC Building Code),也将会反映这些修订,容许12层高的重型木结构楼宇在卑诗省内各地修建。 为了进一步推动重型木结构项目,省政府设立《重型木结构示范计划》(Mass Timber Demonstration Program),为合资格申请者提供拨款,用作设计、研究、修筑,以及展示重型木结构楼宇。这些计划将有助制定...
Building, SustainableBuilding, GreenBuilding Code, BC Green Building Code Background Research Greywater Recycling, final draft - Green - 2007Lighthouse Sustainable Building Centre. BC Green Building Code: Background Research: Greywater Recycling, October 2007...
building/‘bildiŋ/ n.建筑物,大楼;建筑 bulb/ bΛlb/ n.电灯泡;球状物 bulk/ bΛlk/ n.物体,容积,大批 bullet/‘bulit/ n.枪弹,子弹,弹丸 bundle/‘bΛndl/ n.捆,包,束;包袱 burden/‘bə:dn/ n.担子,重担;装载量 bureau/‘bjuərəu/ n.局,司,处;社,所 burn/ bə:n/ vi....
BC Hydro and seven of its contractors have adopted the Builders Code conduct standard across Site C and in doing so, have set the bar high for other sites
BCme is the building code tool for both property and liability claims, restoration, and legal professionals. • Is ice barrier underlayment required for that ro…
In this example, we downloaded the source code withwget, extracted it withtar, navigated into the directory withcd, and then compiled and installed it with./configure,make, andsudo make install. Installing Specific Versions of ‘bc’ Sometimes, you might need to install a specific version of ...
Building Code Energy & Carbon Education Fibre Health & Safety Insurance & Risk Procurement & Payments Website Development Download the Corporate Membership Form or Builder Membership Form to join today! Add Your Voice to the BC LTBIA Joining the BC Log and Timber Building Industry Association (BC...
Build to code (into .class files) cd examples gradle build cd .. Run 'main' methods in the examples: kotlin -cp kcrypto/build/libs/bc-kcrypto-0.0.9.jar:bc-jars-reg/bcprov-jdk18on-173.jar:bc-jars-reg/bcpkix-jdk18on-173.jar:bc-jars-reg/bcutil-jdk18on-173.jar:examples/build/clas...
src folder stores the source code for Business Central application, such as System Application and developer tools like test libraries, test runner and others. src\rulesets is where the rulesets for building the applications are stored. build folder contain the magic around how the applications are...