The first story began in 1847 when Mr. Yung Wing (容闳) followed his mentor, Priest Brown, to the U.S., becoming one of the first Chinese students to study overseas. He enrolled at Yale three years later and obtained...
Director Camblin, Principal Delaitre, distinguished guests, parents, members of the faculty and the members of the board of trustees, and the awesome class of 2016: Thank you – (applause) – thank you for the chance ...
Federation of Labour, a founding member of the Municipal Pension Plan Board of Trustees and served as member of the BC Investment Management Corporation Board of Directors. Mr. Blatchford has also served as a trustee for the Canadian Blood Services Pension Plan, and continue to serves on the ...
The analysis and empirical evidence in this paper indicate that the structure of the boards of trustees of state universities influences the provision of higher education. The structure of the boards is important because it helps to define the constraints on the board members and on the internal ...
College 校董事会董事 Trustee, Board of Trustees 教务主任 Dean of Studies 总务长 Dean of General Affairs 注册主管 Registrar 系主任 Director of Department/Dean of the Faculty 客座教授 Visiting Professor 交换教授 Exchange Professor 名誉教授 Honorary Professor 班主任 Class Adviser 特级教师 Teacher of ...
校董事会董事trustee, board of trustees 校对proofreader 新闻文化参赞press and cultural counselor 学部主任division chairman 学院院长dean of college 巡视员inspector/monitor 牙科主治医师dentist-in-charge 研究馆员[正高] professor of archives science 研究馆员[正高] professor of library science 研究馆员[正...
Dame Janet Suzman, Chair of the BCRPM salutes Ahdaf Soueif and hopes that her resignation will ensure a change of heart with the British Museum's Board of Trustees. "What Ahdaf Soueif has said and done, must not fall on deaf ears or be swept aside and ignored. The time for change is...
The theme of "The environment for UK crop production outside the EU -understanding the opportunities" had assumed that the arrangements needed to leave the EU had been completed. Tony Pexton OBE, a Yorkshire farmer and a BCPC Board of Trustees member, was the Chairman of the first day and...
2006年5月,中国科学院计算机网络信息中心阎保平研究员当选为国际互联网协会(ISOC)理事会理事(Board of Trustees),这是中国大陆专家首次进入国际互联网协会最高决策层。 首个来自我国设备商参与的RFC发布 2006年7月,来自我国网络设备商华为、中国移动的专家参与起草的...