Two major components of this module are:(1) Advance Care Planning using the 'My Voice' tool developed by BC Fraser Health Authority (2) Foundational concepts for identification, assessment and planning taken from the UK Gold Standards Framework. Provincial legislation on 'Advance Directives' is to...
涉及生命抉择时,患者明确告知医方自己有什么意愿,在我国称为“生前预嘱”,在国外称为“医疗指示”(medical directive)以及“预先医护计划”(advance care planning)。需要患者签署的医学预嘱的主要内容包括:在生命不可挽回之际当事人是否希望放弃呼吸机、心肺复苏术...
美国医保(Medicare)2016年开始为预立医疗自主计划(advance care planning)买单。 医生在办公室或在医院内与患者讨论ACP,内容包括宁养照护项目(hospice)、生前预嘱(living wills)和不复苏(do-not-resuscitate ),可以得到86美元的支付。 ACP纳入医保,在医疗决策中体现患者意愿优先,提高患者生命终末期质量,减少无效医疗和...
预立医疗照护计划(Advance Care Planning,ACP)是为疾病晚期患者及任何可能丧失医疗决策能力的情况而提前作出医疗选择的过程。个人在获得病情预后和临终救护措施的相关信息下,凭借个人生活经验及价值观,通过ACP的沟通过程,可与医护人员和(或)亲...
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of U.S. health systems is under significant strain due to the increasing volume of uncompensated care. In 2023, U.S. hospitals collectively faced billions of dollars in uncollected revenue, severely constraining their ability to invest in critical infrastructure and advancements in patient care. ...
Trusted by leading healthcare and life science organizations By joining BC Platforms, you open the doors to clinical research institutions around the world. Become part of an ecosystem that is transforming how data is leveraged to the benefit of patients worldwide. ...
BC in the Cloud is a comprehensive continuity management software that streamlines planning and response strategies. Get a demo today!
G41(P) Handle with Care: Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Paediatric Patients with Palliative Care Needs: Qualitative Study of Experiences and Perceptions... G41(P) Handle with Care: Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Paediatric Patients with Palliative Care Needs: Qualitative Study of ...
BC in the Cloud is a comprehensive continuity management software that streamlines planning and response strategies. Get a demo today!