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Immediately after the egg has been released from the ovary, there will be a sharp rise in temperature. This signals that you are entering the luteal phase of your cycle, orthe time after ovulation has occurred. By the time you notice this temperature increase, you have already ovulated....
After you have charted your temperature for a month or s,o you will probably begin to see a pattern arise. What you will be looking for is a temperature increase of at least 0.4 degrees over a 48 hour period. This shift usually coincides with ovulation and marks the end of the follicula...
Your chart appears to confirm ovulation. I don't recommend bbt for anything other than confirming ovulation since it's not a reliable indicator of pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones actually send your bbt all over the place. It can be up or down or both. My drop in bbt usually did confirm ...
Although the BBT chart in a pregnant woman might look very similar to a non-pregnant one, the most significant change happens around 14 days after ovulation. If the temperature continues to rise, you're probably pregnant. 🍼 If the temperature drops to its basal level, you're starting a ...