# BBS RS-A BBS OFFICIAL The ultimate racing model — based on our wheel for SUPER GT BBS RI-A轮圈,按照BBS的官方说法,采用了来自基于日本顶级赛事SUPER GT的赛车轮圈完全相同的概念,结构完全相同,是日本赛车的巅峰之作。 采用了防滑表面的涂装,最大程度的减少了轮圈和轮胎之间可能的空转,减少大马力车辆在...
Hello guys, I am selling my BBS RS-GT Wheels. The reason I am going to sell my setup for going track fitment with new single turbo setup. And my wheel setup has only 1k miles on it. I baby my car so Wheels; BBS RS-GT Stepped Lip Front: 19X10 ET29 Rear: 19X11 ET21 Tires;...
xywheel定制2件BBS设计锻造车轮轮辋17 18 19 20 21 22 23英寸5x120 72.6 5x112适用于宝马3 4 5 6 7 8系列 US$88.00-720.00 每件装运: US$22.75 最小起订量: 4 pieces 热卖轮辋15 16 17 18 19英寸批发4 5孔锻造合金车轮BBS宝马奥迪保时捷5-130 US$180.00-200.00 每件装运: US$162.75 最小起订量...
RS-GT The lightest of our 2-piece wheels, this model features titanium rim bolts and a specially processed rim to trim excess weight. More Info BBS Forged Wheels Catalogue FI-R More info FI-R Centre Lock More info LM-R More info
同年BBS在巴林岛(亚洲波斯湾西部小酋长国)成立了又一家分公司Aluwheel W.L.L.,主要生产合金(BBS的合金是自己买来原始材料自己合成,并非采购市面上现成的合金)和铸件,用来支持整个BBS的产品。 1994 BBS为勒芒24小时耐力赛供应轮圈:LM(LeMans),同时为DTM(德国房车竞标赛)、Super GT、Super Formula等全球重大...
·RE1640/41 Forged magnesium GT3 RS wheels The RE1640 Magnesium wheel is the lightest wheel for its application, built to the highest OE Level standards and BBS’ long experience with this material. Other products featured in the booth were the BBS street use FI-R, CH-R, CI-R, LM and...
1993年BBS在巴林岛(亚洲波斯湾西部小酋长国)成立分公司:Aluwheel W.L.L,这家公司与其他不同之处的是,主要是生产合金和铸件,自产自销支持着BBS的产品;1994年风靡全球的LM(LeMans)、DTM(德国房车竞标赛)、Super GT、Super Formula等重大赛事纷纷用上了BBS供应的镁铝合金锻造轮圈,并且在1998年BBS占据F1车坛半壁江...
I purchased 4 wheel hoops for some BBS RSII centers from PWC and they had all the specs ready to go. They sent engineer drawings so I could confirm the dimensions and I only needed to provide the wheel diameter, Width and lip/barrel size. From the date of order to receiving the parts...
5级Ti6Al4V 12 pt点M7x24.5 24毫米M8X32mm 3件式车轮钛轮BBS RS RX RS2分体轮辋螺栓, You can get more details about 5级Ti6Al4V 12 pt点M7x24.5 24毫米M8X32mm 3件式车轮钛轮BBS RS RX RS2分体轮辋螺栓 from mobile site on Alibaba.com
First time ordering anything from Alibaba and things couldn’t have gone and smoother. I purchased 4 wheel hoops for some BBS RSII centers from PWC and they had all the specs ready to go. They sent engineer drawings so I could confirm the dimensions and I only needed to provide the wheel...