投BBRC一周,状态一直submited to journal未变作者 shfkn来源: 小木虫 150 3 举报帖子 +关注 正常吗?话说美国也过中国的国庆节? 返回小木虫查看更多分享至: 更多 今日热帖求助:光学期刊投... OL投稿五天未收... Nature C... Nature子刊... 《应用生态学报》... Major re... 电子与信息学报被... 投稿...
往年对BBRC引用次数较多的期刊,主要有:International Journal of Molecular Sciences、European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences、OncoTargets and Therapy、Cancers、Frontiers in Oncology、 Cancer Management and Research、Aging-US等,其中European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences(高危)、OncoT...
Dear Prof ***, After a careful review of your manuscript, I am afraid that we are not able to accept it for publication in BBRC in its current form. As you know, this is a rapid communication journal and not all submissions, regardless of their merit, are suitable for this format. Ou...
全球最快审稿,接受,出版最快的SCI杂志,BBRC投稿注意事项分享。 作为全球接受和出版最快的SCI杂志,BBRC最近10年造福了大量的博士。一般来说, BBRC审稿时间10天左右,前几年没有大修和小修,由编辑直接决定是否接受。接受后一般来说8天左右出版。我之前中了不少BBRC,现在给大家说一说我的投稿经验和一些注意事项。 第...
submit your paper in Word Document format Include a cover letter with your submission to appear before the manuscript It should be in letter format and address the submission to BBRC including a brief outline of the manuscript and why you think it is important to the readers of BBRC The text...
If you wish to submit a revised version of your manuscript, please address the comments below and...
4. With the 'Upload files' tab, please upload the revised version of the manuscript and press 'Submit new version'. Please wait for the confirmation page to appear - this may take a few moments. 很快的修完稿件,上传了回去,这次审稿人也挺给力的,4.28号就返回了意见,又变成 Editor pending deci...
最近又有小伙伴想要了解能够快速发表的3+期刊,那今天就来给大家讲讲“研究生之友”的BBRC。说到BBRC大家都想到的是审稿速度很快,毕竟它可是敢说自己是“ the fastest submission-to-online journal!”。 【先领再看】 怎么样才能让自己批阅半载、删改两旬、翻译三番后找到合心意的期刊?解螺旋限时免费拿出了自己干...