Kansas City BBQ Store, Welcome to Smoke 'n' Fire, a KC BBQ and fireplace store! Your one stop shop for all things Grill, BBQ Smoker & more.
The KC BBQ Experience app is the ultimate resource for enjoying Kansas City’s signature cuisine. Check in to 100+ regional restaurants, earn badges for bragging…
有人说来堪萨斯城一定要尝尝这里的BBQ,所以周末我特意来了一趟,连着去了两家店,分别是Joe's和Jack Stack。感觉都不错,各有特色。 Joe's Bar-B-Que 🍖 Joe's Bar-B-Que位于3002 W 47th Ave, Kansas City, KS 66103。这家店的外表像个加油站,店内布置也很随意,有种快餐店的感觉。我点了Zman和half r...
Want award-winning Kansas City barbeque at your next event? Look no further than Q39's BBQ Catering! Check out our catering options and menu today.
2️⃣ Joe's KC BBQ, Kansas City 🍖 在Kansas City,Joe's BBQ是必吃的美食!他们家的pork rib香料丰富,味道层次多样。特别推荐他们的burnt end,简直是肉食爱好者的天堂!而且,他们家的洋葱圈和薯条也是一绝,绝对不容错过!3️⃣ Hutchins BBQ, Dallas, Texas 🥩...
惊为天人!去Kansas City取车,那肯定就住一晚,出去吃个晚餐。 真的就是网上随便一搜,挑了个好评如潮的BBQ店,就去了。到停车场就感觉到了不对,没车位啊!好几辆车都在套圈,最后在角落里找到了一个。 我们appetizer选了烤鸡翅,据说是必吃榜单之一,然后entrees就是选了烤肉拼盘和pork belly。
Q39– the best BBQ in Kansas City! Featuring award-winning BBQ sauces, BBQ rubs, gift cards and other merchandise. Shop all your favorite Q39 BBQ products online today!
Experience premium Kansas City Barbecue at any of our 6 locations. A wide selection of tender and juicy BBQ dishes perfect for event catering or nationwide delivery.
Ragtop Fern's BBQ 的烧烤帐篷在中午开始营业,通常情况下,营业的前三十分钟内山核桃木烤肉就会卖光。此时的顺位备选项就是嫩肋排了——烤得硬硬的外皮刷上自制的堪萨斯城 (Kansas City) 风味烧烤酱,值得一尝。这里也有厚厚的切片牛胸肉、牛肉大排以及绿色的 Chori-man 西班牙辣香肠,非常美味,偶尔还能看见牛...
Kansas City BBQ: Known for its ribs, pulled pork, and burnt ends. Kansas City BBQ is typically smoked over a medium heat for a shorter period of time, resulting in a smokier and morecharred meat. Carolina BBQ: Known for its pulled pork and vinegar-based sauce. Carolina BBQ is typically...