DataStore setup when using... Learn more about trainfasterrcnnobjectdetector, datastore Computer Vision Toolbox, Deep Learning Toolbox
首先需要下载Cython_bbox源码,下载地址 Cython_bbox,点击Download files下载。解压文件。在目录中使用文本/Notepad++打开,找到第31行,把其中extra_compile_args=[’-Wno-cpp’]的替换为extra_compile_args={'gcc': ['/Qstd=c99']}。保存改动,返回cython_...
"name": "bboxes", "type": "BBOX", "link": 239 }, { "name": "coordinates_positive", "type": "STRING", "link": 234, "link": null, "widget": { "name": "coordinates_positive" }, "slot_index": 2 } }, { "name": "coordinates_negative", "type": "STRING", "link": 23...
问题确认 Search before asking 我已经查询历史issue,没有发现相似的bug。I have searched the issues and found no similar bug report. Bug组件 Bug Component Training Bug描述 Describe the Bug 使用7类昆虫数据集(农林-昆虫检测)进行rtdetr训练,bbox ap 为0 python t
pytorch 使用centernet进行 人脸检测Face Detection (bbox + landmark)、 船只检测SeaShips Detection - HiBugs/CenterNet
yolov5 + csl_label.(Oriented Object Detection)(Rotation Detection)(Rotated BBox)基于yolov5的旋转目标检测 - zhchz/yolov5_obb
YOLOv5 in DOTA with CSL_label.(Oriented Object Detection)(Rotation Detection)(Rotated BBox)基于YOLOv5的旋转目标检测 - tecsai/YOLOv5_DOTA_OBB