Having had three sessions of BBL/Moxi they are now completely flawless and clear. I am so impressed that even the smallest of brown marks have gone. It's a brilliant treatment. I have had the most amazing results on my chest with the new BBL treatment. I had acquired a lot of sun ...
55-64 year old woman treated with BroadBand Light (BBL), Moxi. Courtesy of Dr. Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS 35-44 year old woman treated with BroadBand Light (BBL). Courtesy of Dr. Christine Rodgers, MD 45-54 woman treated with BroadBand Light (BBL). Courtesy of Dr. Armando Soto, MD...
; The MOXI laser can correct uneven . During this time, patients can resume their normal routines and wear light makeup. 15% off when you buy a package of 3 sessions. In addition to the hybrid technology that makes Halo so unique, there are many features to help create it the safest ...