💜BBL:全称ForeverYoungBroad Band Light,也称为BB光,是美国Sciton公司研制的光子嫩肤技术,搭载Profile平台,治疗的时候会根据皮肤问题选择不同的滤波片随时随地变换不同特殊波段,集中能量,精准快速解决色素沉着、紧肤嫩肤、祛红血丝、祛痘印、淡化色斑、唇色调整😍大小通吃,有那种专门治疗小部位的治疗头局部细节也能...
Delaying Skin Aging in Fitzpatrick Skin Types I Through V with Forever Young BBLTM"untreated aged" photo-damaged skin to that of young skin. Of the 2265 genes whose expression was altered in aged skin, 1,293 were fully restored to the expression seen in younger skin. After three successive...
BBL is the latest and most advanced technology in light therapy that sets the standard for treating skin conditions associated with ageing and pigmentation irregularities
78 Price Tag (Jessie J Cover) (Live) Savannah Outen 79 Princess Of China (Coldplay & Rihanna Cover) Savannah Outen, Dylan Chambers 80 Pumped Up Kicks (Foster The People Cover) Savannah Outen 81 Radioactive (Imagine Dragons Acoustic Cover) Savannah Outen 82 Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac Piano Cover...
bbl:全称ForeverYoungBroad Band Light,也称为BB光,搭载美国Sciton公司Profile超级平台,以更精准的光子能量直击色斑、毛孔粗大、皱纹、红血丝、痤疮疤痕、面部松弛等多种肌肤瑕疵问题。BB光优于传统光子嫩肤(IPL/DPL)在于,集范围广、精准、高效、安全于一体,完美适用于20~60岁不同年龄阶段女性,经BB光治疗后的肌肤呈现...