基本含义(Basic Meaning):指事物相互印证,互相协调配合。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation):印合是一个由两个汉字组成的成语,其中“印”字表示事物相互影响、映照,而“合”字表示事物相互协调、配合。印合的基本含义是指事物相互印证,互相协调配合。在实际应用中,印合常用于形容各种事物之间相互关联、相互影响、相互促进...
基本含义(Basic Meaning):直爽指一个人言辞直接,表达态度坦率,不拐弯抹角的性格特点。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation):直爽是指一个人在言辞和行为上直截了当,不隐瞒自己的真实想法和感受,坦率地表达自己的意见。直爽的人通常不会掩饰自己的情感,直言不讳,不拐弯抹角,不做作,不虚伪。 使用场景(Usage Scenarios):...
suggest : 通常指暗含地、隐晦地表达意思。 meaning, implication, sense 这些名词均含有“含义,意义,意思”之意。 meaning : 普通用词,使用广泛。既可指语言表达的意思,又可指手势、符号、表情或艺术品或抽象概念所含的意义。 implicatio...
基本含义(Basic Meaning):指同属一个家族、同一个团体或同一个社会群体的人,也可以泛指亲密的朋友或同伴。 详细解释(Detailed Explanation):成语“自家人”表示彼此之间有亲近关系,相互之间可以信任、支持和帮助。这个成语强调团结、友善和亲密关系的重要性。 使用场景(Usage Scenarios):在日常生活和工作中,可以用来形...
This is also the dominant Metabolites 2018, 8, 37 4 of 11 cytosolic isoform, involved in glaucoma, diuresis, respiration, and electrolyte secretion in a multitude of tissues [3–12], meaning these results are highly significant. The third cytosolic isoform investigated here, hCA VII, ...
Lives that haven’t found meaning. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more.” “随着年龄的增加,你的阅历也更加丰富。如果你停留在二十二...
Like the example of the proud German Salafi Tarek, he first only searched for Ibn Baz's verdict online and then adapted it to match his own environment without criticising or dismissing the scholar. 4 This is an expression that has the same meaning as 'any Tom, Dick and Harry', but ...
theChinesemeaningoftheunderlinedspan>word“buried”inthis passage? A.变成 B.埋在 C.堆砌 D.留在 【4】Why did the man want to build the bridge with stones? A.Because he wanted to go to the sky every year. B.Because he wanted it to be strong....
It is through meaning that we are able to share ideas, express ourselves, and make sense of our experiences. 中文回答: 意义是指概念、单词或表达的内容和含义。它是某事物本质或品质,使其与其他任何事物都不同。意义通常通过语言表达,但也可以通过其他方式传达,例如图像、手势和声音。 意义主要有两类,...
主谓宾定英语 主谓宾定英语 "Subject - Verb - Object - Attribute in English"In the vast and enchanting realm of the English language, the concepts of subject, verb, object, and attribute are like the building blocks that construct the magnificent edifices ofcommunication.The subject is the star...