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摘要: Decades of research have revealed numerous differences in brain structure size, connectivity and metabolism between males and females. Sex differences in neurobehavioral and cognitive function after...关键词:Sex differences Mitochondria Metabolism Neuroprotection Excitotoxicity Mitophagy Oxidative stress ...
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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a disease marker reflecting a bone dysbolism disease associated with the enhancement of the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts, a method for detecting the bone dysbolism disease by utilizing the disease marker and a method for screening a medicine useful...
This study was undertaken to test the usefulness of SHBG determinations to define the thyroid status in two hyperthyroxinemic states: thyroid hormone resistance (THR) and familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia (FDH). Serum SHBG levels were determined in 193 patients and 26 normal subjects using ...
bb电子【網:S358.cc】【域名手动在浏览器打开】【全网第一】【全民好评】【问鼎巅峰】【韭黔DCNU粹崎】人生如同一场旅行,途中有风景也有挫折,我们常常追求成功与幸福,但真正的意义在于体验每一个瞬间。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eGzdYDEbr禄https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eGzdYDEbr/爬https:...
词根:"dys-"表示“坏,不良” dyspepsia n. [内科] 消化不良;胃弱 (dys不好的+peps消化+ia病→消化不良) Shop assistant: She has dyspepsia. I think lactasin will be useful. 店员: 我想她是消化不良了. 您给她吃些“乳酶生”吧,应该会有效果的. ...
DYS我本命 23-02-3 14:07 发布于 四川 来自 BBBuild超话 BBBuild超话 《爱人》上深情BibleXBuild下很快就会出,是对上的补充。灵感来自一个软件(文中少量提及)是对这几天事情的文,不喜勿喷。BibleBuildforever!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙辛苦各位刷推的姐妹,让我们...