【BBC Radio One】 Turno Drum and Bass Show 2024年01月06日 30:01 【BBC Radio One】 Mozey Drum and Bass Show 2023年12月30日 57:57 【BBC Radio One】Catching Cairo Drum and Bass Chilled Mix 2024年2月3日 30:02 【BBC Radio One DnB60】Charlie Tee 2024年1月28日 57:35 【BBC Rad...
【BBC Radio One】 Turno Drum and Bass Show 2024年01月06日 30:01 【BBC Radio One】 Mozey Drum and Bass Show 2023年12月30日 57:57 【BBC Radio One】Catching Cairo Drum and Bass Chilled Mix 2024年2月3日 30:02 【BBC Radio One DnB60】Charlie Tee 2024年1月28日 57:35 【BBC Rad...
在8月16日,由BBC Radio 1 Xtra发起的,命名为"Drum&Bass Soundclash"一次节目中,首度大手笔集结当今Drum&Bass乐界4大厂牌,19位艺人,在2个小时内相聚对抗,这场“对决”最终以Hospital Records获得最多票数取得冠军,而四大厂牌的表现,则完全展现当今Drum&Bass主流四大厂牌。 Round 1:Hospital Records (领队人:Londo...
Shogun Audio's Rockwell has fast developed a reputation for pushing things forward both in terms of technique and concept. His tune "Detroit" last year tore up dancefloors by bringing together drum n' bass, techno, and footwork in a totally unheard of manner ...
“Windowlicker.” Even his old drum and bass persona, Spor, is represented here on the never released “Push Me, Pull You.” Have a listen below and then mark your calendars for his Sunday, September 30th DJ set at Pacha NYC – seeing Feed Me live is not something you’ll want ...
with a rare ability to move with the times and appeal to new audiences throughout the years. From Punk rock and New wave to Acid House and modern Breaks, Bassline and Drum & Bass, Annie has brought the music of hundreds of artists and bands to millions of listene...
We need to celebrate what powerful British music we have, namely this Drum and Bass music.” LCY Originating from Bristol but now based in London, LCY has recently emerged as a key proponent of UK underground music and culture. Taking inspiration from traditional Irish lore, fantasy soundtracks...
Drum- 常依辰 鼓手/SEESAW融合爵士乐团 - SWG Music创始人- VDS品牌形象代言人 行进小军鼓出身,一直以来在学习研究各种音乐风格,包括爵士、古典、放克和摇滚等风格。由于小学时在学校行进打击乐团中演奏行进军乐而与打击乐结缘,之后在中学期...
Shanghai Stadium & Gymnasium, and many others. 贝斯:王乾语 Bass : Wang Qianyu 毕业于天津音乐学院。职业音乐人,从事器乐演奏 与编曲工作多年,曾参加天津爱乐交响乐团 《千 与千寻-宫崎骏与久石让作品音乐会》担任吉他 手,并活跃于各大音乐会...