The Armstrong and Miller Show is a British sketch comedy television show produced by Hat Trick Productions for BBC One. It features the double act Armstrong and Miller and a number of notable scriptwriters including Andy Hamilton, co-creator of Outnumbered, and Jeremy Dyson, co-creator of The ...
With this script I was immediately enthralled. I thought that it was really atmospheric, and mysterious. I like the fact that it had this road trip feel to it,and again what draws me to most characters is their lost-ness.I am often drawn towards characters that are trying to find somethi...
Lily James is set to star in the BBC's adaption of Nancy Mitford's classic novel of the same name — heading to screens this month. The three-part period comedy-drama has been adapted to the small screen by Emily Mortimer (who also stars in the series) and follows headstrong cousins Li...
Think about that. An entire room realised there was extreme discomfort with ‘Palestine as Holocaust’, and yet for whatever reason the BBC had chosen to deploy one of the very few people in the world who can enable this level of repulsive behaviour. Wimborne-Idrissi did her job to perfectio...
Of the BBC's attempts in recent years with Dickens, Hard Times was a didactic bore; Great Expectations omitted all the comedy and Little Dorrit was rather heavy and operatic. But here in Bleak House we have the best attempt at something truly "Dickensian" that I have ever seen on the ...
29Arthur Richman's 1922 stage success barely resembles its famous 1937 screen adaptation, but it's graceful drawing room comedy.Awake And Sing! by Eugene Paul on July. 21In their "acclaimed" production, NAATCO, underscores the universality in the continuing vitality of Awake and Sing!
The three-part period comedy-drama has been adapted to the small screen by Emily Mortimer (who also stars in the series) and follows headstrong cousins Linda (Lily James) and Fanny, who travel across Europe between the two world wars, in the pursuit of finding perfect husbands. ...