“YOLO, Y O L O” 是“you only live once” 的首字母缩写,这句话字面上的意思是 “人生只有一次”,那么如果你听到有人高呼 “YOLO”,这个人其实是在告诉你 “要享受当下,活得精彩一点,不要过多地顾虑将来的事情”。 Roy … which is somehow...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_world_service https://tunein.com/radio/Stream-VOA...
That sounds like a great way to increase your clout! Feifei It does. Bye, Roy! Roy Bye, Feifei! BBC地道英语系列推文: BBC地道英语 | Live rent-free in one’s head 在脑海中挥之不去 BBC六分钟英语 | Why do we choose to text instead of talk? BBC...
The official BBC Sport app offers you the latest sports news, scores, live sport and highlights. It’s the best way to follow all the latest sporting action! Do…
So, changing IP addresses sounds difficult but it’s actually not, all you need is a simple VPN service which has servers in the UK. The following video shows you how you can accessBBC News abroad, it can also be found on YouTube. ...
用 REAL MEDIA 就可以。https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_world_service https://www....
I very much appreciate Sounds as I love the radio, and being able to catch up with or listen again to programmes, like Saturday Review, Start the Week, Medical and Science programmes, Analysis, The Briefing Room, The Moral Maze, Hard Talk and the Why Factor plus others on the World Serv...
it sounds good… AnnaI'm back! TomAnna! I…we weren't expecting you. AnnaYes I can see – perhaps you could tidy up your desk Tom. TomVery funny Anna – still trying to be the boss! So did you have a good trip? Did you get some 'head space'? AnnaEh? NarratorHe means time ...
Fergus Nicoll:Brilliant. That sounds fantastic. Find out more at Fresh Dialogues What is Tech Award winnerJeff Skolldoing to change the world and make it greener? BBC Report: Silicon Valley’s Sad Underbelly Nov 11, 2015 |BBC World Service,Entrepreneurship,Policy ...
(注:国际分支前身:BBC Worldwide,现已并入BBC Studios)BBC Studios 旗下部分子公司(如 Demon Music Group)也在此处办公。此外,BBC 2 的栏目 Sounds like Friday Night 于2019年回到 TVC 演播厅。Wogan House 和 TVC 一样,有很多区域已经用于娱乐商业生活。例如健身房、餐厅等。【此外TVC的一些演播厅被ITV租用...