中文名:BBC Weather bbc weather app是为英国境内所有设备提供天气预报的生活服务类软件,帮助你时时刻刻关注天气;该应用绘制了英国大部分地区的地图,并不断提供每小时的天气信息,个性化的天气报告,为你提供,有需要的小伙伴们可千万不要错过了,就快来下载试试吧! bbc weather官网亮点 ·文本到语音的可访问性 ·易于...
BBC Weather app and your privacy To display weather in your current location, you can activate location services on your device. You'll find them in Settings>Privacy>Location Services. Don't worry, your precise location is not stored by the BBC; the app chooses the closest location where wea...
无论你在何处,无论你的计划,你可以通过BBC Weather从英国广播公司获取最新天气预测。 软件特色 - 简单明了的设计,方便地访问我们的最详细和最新的信息 - 搜索位置(自动添加到您的收藏夹),或使用你当前的位置 - 每小时预报未来48小时的详细信息(英国) - 看未来3小时预报(英国和国际) - 点击每个小时的额外细节...
BBC Weather is a'Weather'app developed by BBC. The app provides weather forecast to devices wherever the users are in the United Kingdom. A Reliable Source of Weather Forecast BBC is a well-recognized institution when it comes to giving the latest news. Along with MeteoGroup, they have been...
BBC Weather app and your privacy To display weather in your current location, you can activate location services on your device. You'll find them in Settings>Privacy>Location Services. Don't worry, your precise location is not stored by the BBC; the app chooses the closest location where wea...
BBC天气是BB新闻旗下的天气预报平台,根据用户所处地理位置提供全天24小时天气预报,天气查询,天气预警功能,还能查看实时紫外线,污染信息,非常方便。 BBC简介: 英国广播公司(英文简称:BBC, 英文名称;British Broadcasting Corporation)成立于1922年, 总部位于英国伦敦,前身为British Broadcasting Company,是英国最大的新闻广播...
BBC Weather Forecast天气预报20230312, 视频播放量 60、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 早看科技, 作者简介 喜欢分享生活,记录美好生活!,相关视频:听写训练第930次,【新概念英语2】全96课英音磨耳朵音频-“听写练听力/跟读练口
1. According to the weather forecast, we're in for a wet ___, so I'm buying an umbrella. rainfall spell downpour extreme 2. Some say eating oranges will keep your cold ___. at bay on bay to bay at bays 3. The rain is _...
1. What was significant about last year’s weather? Last year was one of the three hottest years on record. 2. When might the average temperature drop below freezing in the future? Never. Based on projections, the average coldest day would not drop below...
Weather.com 為您帶來最準確的 休士頓, TX, 美國 每月氣象預報平均/記錄和高/低溫、降雨量及更多資訊。