Parliament, spin and the accurate reporting of Brexit Posted onOctober 24, 2019byThe Constitution Unit About the Constitution Unit Sign up to our mailing list Subscribe to the blog If you are having problems subscribing to our blog, please sign up using themailing list formon our website and...
先推荐BBC网站今年刚刚新上线的一个栏目——BBC Reel,目前被置于网站一级栏目的突出位置。这里有BBC团队...
Sherlock's Toby Jones will return to the BBC for a darkly comic take on Brexit. The acclaimed actor — who has famously played baddies like the Dream Lord in Doctor Who and Culverton Smith in the aforementioned Sherlock— has partnered with playwright Tim Crouch to create Don't Forget the ...
The airline upgraded us to business class when they heard we were on our honeymoon. 这家航空公司听说我们要去蜜月旅行,就给我们升级到商务舱了。 The hotel offered to upgrade our room to a suite for only £50. 酒店说只要多付50英镑,就可以升级到套房。 注意,update 和 upgrade 也可以做名词,不...
The corporation’s sudden spearheading of a Britain-first strategy to protect the interests of its listeners and those of its fellow British broadcasters could be a successful move, especially as it appears to capitalize on half the country’s enthusiasm for Brexit-style policies. But the plan ...
era nuclear paranoia, while Spielberg's 2005 film rather blatantly called up post-9/11 anxiety via images directly inspired by the terrorist attacks on New York City. Peter Harness evidently will not shy away from tackling Brexit-era political issues in his own adaptation of Wells' durable ...
Brexit Brian Beasley Brian Benedik Brian Conniff Brian Crow Brian Crow Brian Harrington Brian Kaminsky Brian Lawlor Brian Lindemann Brian McGhee Brian McNeill Brian Mroziak Brian Oliger Brian Philips Brian Purdy Brian Savoie Brian Schatz Brian Stelter Brian Thomas Brian Walsh Brian Winnekins BRIC-Link...
THE BEST WAY FORWARD FOR THE UNIFIED PATENT COURT: GERMAN RATIFICATION NOW AND A NEW PROTOCOL AGREEMENT BEFORE BREXIT Europe's Unified Patent Court would be the culminations of decades of work towards a single forum to prosecute and litigate patents in Europe. The most rec... Levin,Rachel -...
The company also said from fiscal 2019 it will only provide annual guidance, which it will update on a quarterly basis. In a separate announcement, the retailer said its board authorised an 11.6 per cent increase in its quarterly cash dividend to 48 cents a share and boosted the amount avail...