The BBC's official iPlayer catch-up TV app for iPad appeared this morning. The free app lets you watch or listen to TV and radio shows from the previous seven days, as well as live TV.
The BBC iPlayer is a wonderful TV resource with one of the best user experience of any web site anywhere. Indeed many anglophiles and expats rarely watch TV anywhere else. You can watch all the main channels live 24/7 to keep up with the news, drama series or programmeslike Match of th...
2. Why is falling asleep in front of the TV a bad idea? The bright lights of the TV can prevent you from falling into a deep sleep. 3. What should you do instead of staying in bed to battle insomnia? Try getting up and doing something mindle...
Film, TV and music award ceremonies are all about the acceptance speeches – they are anart formin their own right. They are a chance for an actor or performer to publicly thank people who've helped them. In this year's BAFTAs, Letiti...
Watch all the latest full episodes from BBC America: Doctor Who, Killing Eve, Orphan Black, Luther, Planet Earth and more. Stream online for free with your TV Provider.
Put simply, BBC iPlayer is the UK's best catch-up TV service. Even without considering all the live broadcast TV and radio the corporation provides across many channels, iPlayer is almost worth the licence fee on its own. Missed the last episode of Line of Duty, need another Pointless fix...
(roughly £21, or $25, in today’s money) for homes with radio sets. Today the licence fee is £159, payable by any household that watches live tv or uses iPlayer, the BBC’s online catch-up service. (There are exceptions, such as poor elderly folk.) Last year the fee ...
Catch-up TV The idea behind sharing the iPlayer technology was to help the other channels after the digitalswitchover(替换,切换). At the moment, ITV, Channel 4 and Five produce public service broadcasting in exchange for free access to the airwaves, but after the switch to digital TV, which...
Users of the BBC iPlayer should be charged "micro payments" to use the online catch-up service said Lorraine Heggessey, chief executive of TV production company Talkback Thames. 电视制作公司Talkback Thames首席执行官Lorraine Heggessey称,BBC的iplayer用户使用在线升级服务应该支付“微小的费用”。
video on demand (VOD):7 day TV catch up over the internet- catch up on missed BBC TV programmes broadcast up to 7 days ago (aka "retrospective scheduling"), plus all back episodes of certain new series even where broadcast more than 7 days ago (series stacking), via the internet (P2P...