1.9万次观看 弹幕 后可发布你的评论 0/30 稍后观看 正序 已经到底了~ 【纪录片.BBC.纳粹崛起.Rise.of.the.Nazis.S02.2022】一战以后, 1.9万次观看 ·2年前 18 30 猛犸君侯 449.2万粉丝 · 纪录片博主 教育博主 微博原创视频博主
BBC纪录片《纳粹崛起Rise of the Nazis 2019》第1季探讨了希特勒和纳粹党在1930年代如何在德国崛起,并揭示了阿道夫·希特勒的野心引发的贪婪、操纵和令人恐惧的低估。在1930年,德国是一个自由民主国家,拥有选举、议会和法治,但仅仅四年后,它的领导人成为独裁者,政府掌握在凶手手中。历史学家和专家深入挖掘了那些不...
Over 4K TV viewers have voted on the 80+ Best BBC Shows Of All Time, Ranked. Current Top 3: Sherlock, Fawlty Towers, Doctor Who
A further series of 72 Films Rise of the Nazis, looking at Hitler’s last days and Blast! Films drug series High are also in the pipeline. Catherine Catton, Head of Commissioning, Factual Entertainment and Popular Factual announced Scarlett’ Driving School for BBC One, from Frieda TV. Filmed...
《BBC:最后的纳粹》(BBC:The Last Nazis) http://site.douban.com/widget/videos/2247395/video/153511/(共三集,我选了第二集) 《BBC:当达芬奇遇上蒙娜丽莎》(BBC:The Secret Life of the Mona Lisa) http://site.douban.com/widget/videos/2247395/video/152825/第一集:想知悉万物的人 ...
圣杯传说(4集)The Legend Of The Holy Grail. 门徒保罗(1集)Saint.Paul. 上帝之子耶稣基督(3集)Son of God. 神迹透视(3集)The Miracles of Jesus. 成佛之路(1集)The.Life.Of.Buddha. 纳粹警示录(6集)The.Nazis.A.Warning.From.History. 时代了望-无名英雄(1集)Timewatch Forgotten Heroes. ...
Which would be the better explanation by the BBC during the Second World War of why the Nazis were attacking the Jews? This: The Nazis are unhappy with the Jews' involvement in the world economy and the German economy. or this: The
Some conflicts are fuelled by gold disputes - South Africa's brutal Boer War of 1899 to 1902 being one example - while in World War II, both the Nazis and the Japanese stole huge quantities of gold. Much of it was never recovered. When states aren't stealing gold, robbers are. The ...
【2019新片连载】【希姆莱】【纪录片.BBC.纳粹崛起.Rise.of.the.Nazis.S01.2019】一战以后,纳粹主义在德国抬头,希特勒加入纳粹党并出任党魁。本片邀请历史学家,分析纳粹如何在德国排除异己,希特勒如何攫取权力,最终将世界带入毁灭的边缘。全片共3集,现已播出2集,A站英字已发。官网简介:Powerful and resonant ...