The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) is a public company for radio and television broadcasting in the UK. Since March, BBC journalist, Zoric King has been visiting schools across the country to teach students how to find out fake news. The visits have included up to 1,000 middle and pri...
这部动画由BBC Teach出品,是为了英国5-7岁的孩子设计的教学片。根据经典童话故事杰克魔豆改编,最早在BBC School Radio以音频形式呈现,广受孩子欢迎,现在已经改编成孩子更为喜欢的动画。 他和妈妈生活得很艰辛,家里连吃的都没有了,于是妈妈让他去把他们唯一的财产--老牛,拉去市场卖掉,但是杰克只用老牛换了几颗豆子...
Checklist I'm reporting a broken site I've verified that I'm running yt-dlp version 2022.06.29 (update instructions) or later (specify commit) I've checked that all provided URLs are playable in a browser with the same IP and same login ...
Of course, but there's not such a focus on being creative in education now and that might have an effect in the future. It's something Bernadette Duffy, an early years consultant, has been discussing on BBC Radio 4'...
SchoolRadio© SchoolRadio AChristmas Carol - 5: The second of the three spirits have aught to teach me, let me pro t by it.’ ‘Touch my robe!’ said the Spirit. Scrooge did as he was told and held it fast. ...
A unique feature is the drama designed to teach the language, adding an engaging dimension to learning. The "Courses" section of BBC Learning English is particularly well-organized, providing structured learning paths for users. The âGeneral English 1â course is a highlight, ...
David Grant is on hand to teach all of the songs! 2 Teacher’s Notes Teacher’s Notes to support programmes are available from the School Radio website. They can be accessed from either the individual programme pages ...
Ah, another idiom there, Rob - hold your horses meaning ‘stop and think for a moment’. That’s an idiom that Gareth Carrol might teach his university students. Dr Carrol is the author of a new book, ‘Dropping the Mic and Jumping...
The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) is a public company for radio and television broadcasting in the UK. Since March, BBC journalist, Zoric King has been visiting schools across the country to teach students how to find out fake news. ...
【参考译文】历史上,直到1967年,BBC是英国本土唯一的合法广播机构,那一年,University Radio York(当时名为Radio York)作为英国第一个也是最古老的合法独立广播电台启动。然而,在此之前,BBC并未享有完全的垄断地位,因为几个欧洲大陆的电台,如卢森堡电台,自1930年代以来就一直向英国广播英语节目,基于马恩岛的Manx Radio...